Saturday, September 10, 2011

Veno - Structural Resonance - Part 2 - Phase 2

Transcribed and typed by Veno through the interdimensio­nal portal

Original Article:

Date : 13/07/2007

Here I am continuing with the body points as I have mentioned in the article before this one: Structural Resonance: PART TWO (Phase 1). If you have not yet read the previous articles on Structural Resonance I have written, I strongly suggest you do so to prevent utter confusion…

The Design of the Structural Resonance in the Human Physical Body :


6.) EAR points :

I finished off with the 5.) THROAT point in the previous article I wrote regarding human beings' communication through sounding words, where within the throat is another system, as the Voice Box, where all words are programmed as per consciousness systems' definitions – supporting the compounding manifestation of consciousness systems within yourself and the rest of the world as humanity as you communicate with others and indulge in the act of thinking.

Supporting the compounding manifestation and existence of consciousness systems within yourself and the rest of the world as humanity not only exist in your own individual form of communication through voicing words or even thinking them – but also when others communicate with you and their sounding words resonate and verberate throughout your entire physical body when they communicate directly to you. The support of consciousness systems goes both ways – when you personally speak and think words and when you hear words from others through your physical ears.

Exactly as in the Voice Box in the throat – within the Ear Drums of the ears also exist a system which contains all words programmed as per consciousness systems definitions: The specific sound frequency of each word, the emotional and feeling connotations to each word, the accepted picture or definition connected to each word, the specific symbol allocated to each word, the mathematical equation of which each word consist of: All this that each and every single word consist of and is designed as is manifested within each and every single human beings' Ear Drums within the EAR points and is connected to and one with your entire mind consciousness system within you, including the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. The reason these systems, within the Ear Drums and the Voice Box is connected to the entire mind consciousness system within you, including the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind: Is for the further compound manifestation of consciousness systems within yourself and in the world as the rest of humanity.

It works as follows:

You're standing in front of another being physically or communicating with them over the phone/cellular phone. You are hearing the words and the sounds in which the words are spoken through your physical ears. (I have used the ‘rape' example in the 5.) THROAT point section, so I'll be using it again.) The being with who you are communicating brought about a discussion regarding a news paper article/magazine article/television news broadcast this being came across regarding the topic of rape.

(I will be referring to the being you are communicating with as Being1)

And so Being1 is continuing to communicate with you the words, relaying the discussion they had heard/read regarding the topic of rape. All you do is listen intently as Being1 share what they had heard/seen. With you having a relatively young daughter of your own – you start generating fear and concern within yourself for your child's safety. Therefore, in hearing the words spoken by Being1 – you are already supporting the compounding manifestation of consciousness systems within you as: Fear, worry, concern, anguish etc. which is all related to your daughter and her safety in this world. As your thoughts race and react with emotions within you: This is how you support the consciousness systems within yourself. Not only this, but as the being communicate the words to you, the sound resonance frequency of Being1's words (remember that the words are of consciousness systems programmed definitions) resonate and verberate throughout your entire mind consciousness systems, like electrical charged impulses shooting within and throughout your entire mind consciousness system, including your conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.

In terms of supporting consciousness systems within yourself:

The fear that is generated as Being1 communicates with you while your mind races and you react within yourself due to you having a daughter of your own: The sounds of the words, and all the words consist of that is of consciousness systems designs, filtrate and permeate through the system within the Ear Drum(s) and sends electrical charged impulses throughout your entire mind consciousness systems. Yet, your personal reactions and thoughts regarding the conversation, consisting of sounding words, compounds your own personal mind consciousness systems within yourself which is allocated mainly from within your conscious and subconscious mind and stretches from there into your entire physical body. Therefore, in terms of supporting consciousness systems within yourself, you compound the systems of fear, worry, concern and anguish relating to you having a daughter, regarding her safety.

In terms of supporting consciousness system within the world as humanity:

As the sounding words permeate through the system within the Ear Drum(s) – sending electrical charged impulses throughout yo ur entire mind consciousness system within your physical body – the sounding words' electrical impulses move within and throughout your unconscious mind also. The unconscious mind is that which connect all humanity as one together within this systematic reality – that which make all human beings responsible for all manifested consequential experiences here on earth such as rape for instance. Within the unconscious mind exist all of humanities acceptances and allowances of this world and therefore, if rape exists, it simply indicates that all of humanity as one together is accepting and allowing the existence of rape in this world. So as Being1 continues to communicate the sounding words of consciousness systems designs, which filtrate and permeate through the system in the Ear Drum(s), the words' electrical impulses move through your unconscious mind and compound the manifestation of the actual events which takes place as rape in this world, including the mind's of the beings who actively participate in the act of rape.

“The power of two or more in my name…”

Therefore whether you actually speak words, think words or hear words that is of consciousness systems programmed designs within yourself: You are supporting and assisting the compounding manifestation of consciousness systems within yourself and within the world as humanity. And where there are discussions and you participate in conversations where there are “two or more in my name”, just imagine the amount of compounding takes place within yourself and in the rest of the world as humanity which support the existence of consciousness systems.

“Place a guard in front of your mouth.”

“Be silent and know: I am God”

STOP your thoughts.

(NOTE: Please, this doesn't mean that you have to not communicate, wear ear plugs amongst others who communicate amongst themselves, blow your eardrums in whatever insane means invented to possibly actually have it done or have your ears be surgically ‘tweaked' to become deaf. There is a ‘solution' as support for yourself which I am presenting in PART FOUR…patience…)

7.) CHEST point :

Ah, the infamous chest: This including your lungs.

For all smokers' out there, I have some ‘good' news and some ‘bad' news: Smoking does not cause cancer or any other ‘harmful' diseases – what does cause cancer however are consciousness systems which you have used to define who you are such as suppressions of anger, eating away at your physical system, slowly but surely. So, if you are a smoker, the ‘good' news is that it doesn't cause cancer, yet the bad news is that if you do have suppressed anger within yourself, it's more than likely your lungs will get fucked, or any other part(s) of your physical system for that matter, whether you smoke or not!

(Hitler places the cause, source and reason of diseases and illnesses into perspective in his writings, so I suggest you take a peak at what he has to say in his writings as to the reason why I state: Smoking does not cause cancer, consciousness systems within you does.)

In terms of the myth/belief that is spread in this world that smoking is apparently the cause for various different forms of ‘death' in this world, cancer or lung diseases are actually related to suppressed anger concerning the ‘family matrix/system'. Yes, the CHEST point represents your ‘love' and ‘devotion' to your family – ‘love', ‘caring' and ‘devotion' that is able to be reversed into disappointment, disgust, anger and frustration. The world (word) – removing the letter ‘l') is in reverse. I will be explaining shortly how and why the relationship between parents and children, take a turn for the worse, having the complete reverse effect as what the parents intended for the relationship with their children to be, as children grow up and come of age.

Firstly, let's look at the origin of the CHEST point:

Within the chest there is a system – a circular system which holds your parent's (including the generations that have gone before them) ways of ‘teaching' you, as you ‘learn', methods of survival skills to maintain an acceptable and approved (according to them) existence here on earth. Meaning teaching you as you learn the difference between ‘right' and ‘wrong', ‘good' and ‘bad': Morality and polarity systems as an ‘acceptable' and ‘approved' ‘way of life/living' for their dearest child, is what parents give(gift) to their children here on earth as what had been given(gifted) to them when they were a child by their parents. The CHEST point contains the Family System – infused and implanted to maintain the teaching and learning model between the relationship parents have with their children: The passing on of the ‘sins of the fathers' in other words.

So what does this Family System actually do and why has it been placed within the human physical body as part of and one with the entire mind consciousness system within human beings? What it does is the following:

The Family System ‘contains' you into becoming the slave of your parents as a child, being forcefully obliged as a child to listen exactly to what your parents ‘tells' you, to trust them with all and everything that you are in believing that you must become the learner and your parents the teacher: Through this, within this containment, you must become the exact copy of your parents, yet you are allowed to ‘tweak' the duplication of them unto you slightly to create the idea of individuality as you follow them like a lost puppy on a leash throughout your childhood years. You must listen and follow their instructions explicitly – especially when they teach you and you learn the difference between what is ‘right' and what is ‘wrong' and what is ‘good' and what is ‘bad'. Furthering the containment of yourself as who you really are as a child as your unconditional innocent self expression – because as the parents starts teaching the children and the children learn the ‘ways of the world' from their parents – the parents start caging the child's uncon­ditional innocent self expression. The bars of the cage as the morality and polarity systems given(gifted) to the children by the parents as the child is caged within in constant fear, also given(gifted) by the parents, because of the taught difference between what is ‘right' and what is ‘wrong' and what is ‘good' and what is ‘bad'. The taught ‘bad' and ‘wrong' generate fear within the child – which cage them within themselves because they are forcefully obliged to act and behave in acceptable and approved ways according to the parents fervent demand. (Morality and Polarity is what consciousness systems thrive on, because it causes fear and resistance within beings: Making such systems part of your world, of what is acceptable and approved by society, makes you so much more the controlled slave of consciousness.) Parents do unto their children what had been done unto them: “Do unto other's what you would have like be done unto you” (Parents of the world, congratulations, you are already living these words as you cage your children and strip them from their unconditional innocent self expression.) So what exactly happens is that parents cage their children through generating fear within them by teaching them the differences between what is ‘right' and what is ‘wrong' and what is ‘good' and what is ‘bad': The cage of morality and polarity.

As a child you trusted your parents unconditionally, you placed all and everything of who you are in their hands to support YOU as who you really are in this world, you shared with them your unconditional innocent self expression – and what did they do with it: Stripped it away, locked it away, ruined and destroyed who you really are through caging you as they had been caged. With you existing in constant fear of the polarity and morality systems given (gifted) to you by your parents – as they forcefully moulded and changed you to become an exact copy as they had become of their parents. And in turn how will your relationship be when you have children: You will also cage your children as you have been caged – continuing the ‘sins of the fathers' as you live the words “do unto another what you would have liked to be done unto you.” And this is reason why the Family System had been placed: So that human beings, from childhood, become consciousness systems enslaved and controlled in this systematic reality through fear within the polarity and morality systems of the world – ‘contained' to not allow innocent unconditional self expression as who you really are: Ever! But to be caged and exist in becoming duplicated, copied consciousness systems as those that have gone before you. This is how Anu, Marduk, Enki and Enlil ensured that humanity remain enslaved and controlled in the becoming of consciousness systems, ensuring the lock down and ruin of unconditional self expression as who you really are.

So, from unconditional expressions of ‘love', ‘devotion' and ‘care' as a child with your parents, the relationship between you and your parents become conflicting, with many disputes and arguments and disagreements as you come of age – where you just don't seem to be able to see eye-to-eye. (When this occurs parents usually refer to it as a: Phase you are going through. This is bullshit; you are expressing your anger, disappointment and frustration for what you and they have allowed to be done unto you.) Why? Because within yourself as a child you were aware of what your parents were doing to you, you were aware that they were ‘caging' and ‘containing' you as who you really are, your unconditional self expression, in being forced to become a duplicate, copied consciousness system as they are: Caged and contained for the remainder of your life. Not having the words or vocabulary to express to them what they're doing, including because of the influence of the Family System within you: You are not able to ‘stand' up to them and are condemned to follow their example for the necessity to survive in this world. As a child you experience the disdain, disgust, anger, frustration, sadness and disappointment towards your parents because of what they're doing to you and what you are allowing them to do unto you, but you don't have any practical supportive tools to discontinue this teaching/learning relationship system within yourself and all that remains is that you have to suppress what you experience within yourself and ‘do as you're told'. Only later, as you come of age, does the suppressed disdain, disgust, anger, frustration, sadness and disappointment towards your parents and towards yourself arise, expressed in various different forms – these ‘acting out' expressions also copied from your parents, ways given from them to you to have the ability to release the suppressions within yourself: Which is usually directed to the one's (parents) who caused your state of being and becoming of consciousness systems in this world, caging and containing you. Understand that it is neither your ‘fault' nor your parents' ‘fault' – because your parents experienced exactly what you have or are experiencing within yourself, they also had no practical supportive tools.

So, therefore, smokers (and non-smoker's) if you have any suppressed emotions within you regarding the relationship you have with your parents – locked into the CHEST point of the Family System: I suggest you jump right into the forgiveness process and release such suppressions through forgiveness, rather than suppressing them and dying a horrible death or ‘acting out' in ways you might later regret, compounding further systems of guilt and shame when you ‘lash out' unnecessarily­. Enjoy!

8.) STOMACH point :

In the STOMACH point, also formally referred to as the solar plexus, exists the emotional and feeling generator.

Yes, all human beings that are of consciousness systems have this particular system within their solar plexus and is supported and assisted through the act of thinking. All words that are placed under the category of emotions and feelings have a specific chemical construct and electro magnetic sound resonance frequency impulse connected to them which work as follows:

For example the word ‘love' is placed under the category of feelings and the word(s) ‘hate'/‘anger' is placed under the category of emotions. Now each word such as ‘love' under the category of feelings has a specific chemical construct and electro magnetic sound resonance frequency impulse connected to it. And the same goes for the word(s) ‘hate'/‘anger' under the category of emotions.

The specific chemical construct of the words (of each word) exist in the mind/brain section as thoughts and the specific electro magnetic sound resonance frequency impulse of each word exist in the solar plexus section – where you ‘experience' the feeling or emotion of /connected to the word.

Taking into consideration that thoughts are words: When you have a thought that consist of words connected to the definition of emotions or feelings, the thought generate a specific chemical construct within your human physical body. The moment the specific chemical construct is released, it connects to the specific electro magnetic sound resonance impulse of the words within your solar plexus which generate an apparent ‘experience' within yourself of the words as an emotion or feeling.

Let's use the example of the word ‘love' which is placed under the category of feelings: You have a thought of your partner with who you are in relationship with. This thought which consist of a picture, or as a memory, resonates with the word ‘love' – because you ‘love' this being with who you are in relationship with. (Remember, it doesn't matter what the thought ‘looks' like in your mind/head/brain – it's about what the thought represents and resonates as words that are defined under the categories of either emotions and or feelings.)

This thought as a picture or memory of your partner consists, radiates and resonates with the word ‘love'. The moment the thought arise within your mind/head/brain the specific chemical construct within your physical body, connected to the word ‘love', is released. Then this chemical construct which is released from within your physical body, infuses itself with the specific electro magnetic sound resonance frequency impulse connected to the word ‘love' which is found in the emotional and feeling generator system in your solar plexus. The chemical construct and the electro magnetic sound resonance frequency impulse connected to the word ‘love', as with all words that are placed under the category definition of emotions and feelings, is designed with the exact same foundation essence and therefore they have the ability to ‘connect' and ‘fuse' the moment the chemical construct is released. The foundation essence of the two in which they were designed (the chemical construct and the electro magnetic sound resonance frequency impulse) is designed together with a specific signature – that is connected to one word, in this example ‘love', and therefore, specifically, they will connect and fuse together the moment a thought arise that radiate and resonate with the word ‘love' as in this example given. So, the moment the infusion of the chemical construct and the electro magnetic sound resonance frequency impulse takes place in your solar plexus: Voila! You experience that feeling within yourself you call love. You know, the butterflies in the stomach bullshit, the enticing excitement etc.

So, why do this, why build this system into human beings that generate emotions and feelings as ‘experiences'? It looks like such a simple design/system, yet evil comes in small packages (smile)! It is yet again, rather simple my fellow students, whom I am supporting to support yourself in becoming the living expressive example of who you really are, and not a chemically charged, addictive systematic robot: It was built and designed specifically to charge and ‘power' and compound consciousness systems within you and also within the world as all of humanity. This particular system within your solar plexus is what charges the consciousness systems, is what consciousness systems thrive on, is consciousness systems' ‘life force'/‘power source', is what consciousness systems ‘feed' of to maintain its existence within yourself and the rest of the world as all of humanity. You ‘power' consciousness systems within yourself and all of humanity by participating in your ‘experiences' of emotions and feelings – giving you the belief/idea/per­ception that you are apparently ‘alive' and ‘living' when you ‘experience' emotions and feelings and continuously think and indulge in the act of thinking. No, you are but a chemically charged, addictive systematic robot which ‘powers' consciousness systems within yourself and in the world as all of humanity: That is all that you are and all that you have ever been. This system within your solar plexus is fused with your ‘pure life essence' as who you really are within and as yourself from which the systems gain/draw their ‘power' and ‘strength' to exist and manifest within yourself and all of humanity together – this is how you ‘give your power/strength away' to consciousness systems through your continuous participation in the act of thinking and ‘experiences' of emotions and feelings. And naturally this system is also linked and one with and connected to your entire mind consciousness system within you, including your conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind – and it's through the unconscious mind that you support and assist the compounding manifestations and existence of consciousness systems in the rest of humanity: Because the unconscious mind locks into all of humanity as one together. The moment you ‘experience' the emotion/feeling within yourself, your entire body verberates with the resonance of the emotional/feeling ‘experience' which is directed to compound all the consciousness systems within yourself through the conscious and subconscious mind and then through the unconscious mind within and throughout all of humanity.

PART TWO (Phase three) will continue where I will cover the rest of the body points – exactly as I have already explained some of the points above.




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