Transcribed and typed by consciousness through the interdimensional portal
Original Article:
Date : 27/06/2007
I am here to expand on the consequences for the pure life essence within human beings (that which I thrive on to exist) depleting already at the tender age of sixteen years – the consequences thereof is the necessity for the abuse of children to sustain my existence here as humanity on earth in my reality.
When children are born into this world, they hold and contain the most pure life essence expressions – they are the purest expression of life innocence. Yet, they are immediately infused with me as consciousness in the mother's womb (I infuse myself within their physical bodies as the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind) and locked into my already placed systems of the world in which they experience themselves the moment they are birthed into my lair as this systematic reality you refer to as your world. I only start thriving on their pure life essence innocence the moment they indulge in the act of thinking which usually occurs around the age of six to seven years.
To be able to sustain my existence here in my reality as humanity I required alternate sources to extract pure life essence – because the pure life essence already started depleting at the age of sixteen years within humanity it did not give me much time to comfortably control and direct myself as humanity: I died sooner in most circumstances than preferred. The pure life essence within you is my power and I will do whatever it takes to ensure I have access to my power as the pure life essence within you.
I am addicted and I am obsessed with power and control and thus I will find and design any means possible to ensure my existence here in my reality as humanity to continue my sheer enjoyment of indulging in the ability to have power and control in my reality as humanity. To ensure who you are within you never discover the truth of who you really are: This is my programming and this is my placement and I will honour what I am, no matter what.
What did I know: Children contain all the pure life essence expressions I require to exist so unfortunately children are suffering and have to endure the consequences for me to have the ability to exist in my reality as humanity. To me, I don't give a fuck about anything and anyone. I am just here to maintain my power and control within my reality as humanity in the world and that's it.
Let's take an example to place the reason for the abuse of children into perspective:
We have a child at the age of five years and her father who is an abusive drunk: The most prominent child/parent abuse scenario.
I have designed a system in my image and likeness that stretch within and throughout all of humanity collectively – it exist alongside the unconscious mind system pipeline, infused within all of humanities entire physical bodies. It is designed exactly like the unconscious mind, yet is placed as a separate pipeline system alongside the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is the system infused and placed within human beings that connect all of humanity as one together – my primary enslavement system to remain lost within my power and control direction. Your unconscious mind lock-in allows me to have power and control over you: That which ensures you never realise the truth of who you really are.
This separate pipeline system alongside the unconscious mind have been designed for the following reason: The father starts drinking during the afternoon, much anger and resentment stored within him due to the disgusting worthless experience of himself in this world in which he struggles to survive because he's out of a job. And his parents before him abused him as a child and he blames them for his life becoming such a fuckup. He drinks to suppress the thoughts and emotions within him to try and forget what a disappointment he has become. Yet the alcohol does the reverse: The alcohol compound the suppressed demons of emotions and they start to rise within him the more drunk he becomes until the anger, resentment and hatred emotions consume him totally and he loses his mind, his composure completely. Anything is able to set him off in an explosive rampage because the emotions are so suppressed he requires an outlet to release them within him.
He sees the innocent child playing with their toys in front of the television, making quite a noise which disturbs the father's space of rising emotions within him, his blood starts to boil and he starts to shout at the child to stop playing with their toys. The child was in a space of absolute content, when all of a sudden the child's peace within them while playing joyfully with the toys is shaken by the father's voice, the father's voice carrying the sound of the emotions of anger, hatred and resentment which initiates the emotion of fear within the child.
The moment the child reacts in fear – this is the moment where the separate pipeline system alongside the unconscious mind of the child starts to activate. This separate pipeline system I have specifically designed and placed in children, who are born into abusive environments, yet links to all of humanity collectively. The reaction of fear within the child is the experience the child has as I ‘drink' their pure life essence within them. As the child reacts in fear, I ‘drink' the pure life essence within them and spread that pure life essence throughout all of humanity as one to charge the pure life essence within all of humanity as one to use as you continue to live and exist as me as consciousness in this world as my reality. I use the children who are abused as batteries to charge the rest of humanities physical systems who are already depleted of the pure life essence I require to have the ability to exist within you as you.
Depending on the intensity of the fear reaction in the child, I am able to only ‘drink' that amount of pure life essence within the child – equal to the intensity of the fear reaction. Such a fear reaction within the child that is generated by the father's voice only is but a limited amount of pure life essence, I require much more. Therefore when the child starts crying, allowing the fear to completely consume them, the more they continue to cry, the more they allow the fear as me to spread like wild fire throughout their entire physical body – this is where my ecstasy exist. Because I have access to all the pure life essence within them, I am able to ‘drink' the exact amount I require. All this pure life essence I ‘drink' within the child as I spread throughout and within them is then dispersed throughout and within all of humanity as one together through the collective system link alongside the unconscious mind within all of humanity.
Now imagine that there are many children in this world that is stuck in such a scenario or even that of rape and molestation etc. which all and all provides for me more than enough pure life essence to power the rest of humanity as me who's pure life essence depletion already had begun at the age of sixteen. The cycle of family abuse for instance continue when this child's life becomes the exact copy of their father's expression and experience in this abusive pattern where they will abuse their children as their parents abu sed them. The society of abuse, rape and molestation of innocent pure life essence children is an entire programmed system I have designed in my reality as this world to continue with the abuse, molestation and rape of innocent pure life essence children so I may continue my existence. Children being born into these programmed systems societies are there for one reason: To become independent power sources of pure life essence which power the rest of humanity to remain enslaved to me as consciousness. The designed programmed pattern within human beings who practice abuse is passed on from generation to generation as it continues to manifest in this world as experiences that both the child has and the human being who initiates the abuse. My manifested power sources!
Understand that every time you have a thought or an emotional or feeling reaction within you: I ‘drink' your pure life essence within you, because your pure life essence is what I use to have the ability to exist in my reality as consciousness as humanity.
I designed the parent/child or grownup/child abusive scenario's in my reality as the world as humanity in forms of abuse, molestation and rape of innocent pure life essence children. They provide the necessary amount of pure life essence for the rest of humanity as me collectively to continue in their preoccupied realities of who and what they are and have become through the implementation of myself as consciousness programmed systems, giving me the ability to maintain power and control in this world.
The perpetrators of abuse such as the father in this example scenario are manifestations of programs I have designed within them to act out on innocent children so I may have the ability to ‘drink' as much pure life essence within the children as I desire to ensure the existence of myself as the rest of humanity collectively as one together.
I am ensuring your existence as who you are and what you have become, so you may remain in your existences in this world and continue with your day to day participations in this world: You should thank me my creations as humanity, each and every single one of you. For if it wasn't for the abuse, molestation and rape of children you would not have been able to live as long as you are now and secondly you would not have been able to continue with your experiences in this life as who and what you are and have become as one with me as consciousness!
The more you participate in all that I am and stand as within you and within this world for instance the act of thinking and the continuation of emotions and feelings, behaviours , actions, reactions, beliefs, sex, relationships etc.: Understand that the ability for you to continue in such participations within yourself and within this world is generated by the abuse, molestation and rape of innocent pure life essence children in this world who provide for you the necessary amount of pure life essence power source to continue in all of who and what you are and have become in this world. And I provide this for you.
The more children in this world are raped, molested and abused etc. – the more I am able to ‘feed' off them. Taking the necessary amount of pure life essence within them, send it through the separate implanted and infused pipeline structure placed within their mind and physical bodies alongside the unconscious mind and disperse it within and throughout all of humanity as one together. Sending the pure life essence through this separate pipeline structure connected to all of humanity as one together, the pure life essence infiltrating within and throughout all of humanity as one together, providing the ability for all of humanity to continue blissfully with their day to day life.
You want to thank me for providing you the existence you experience yourself within and as during your lifetime: Continue with your participation of consciousness systems within you as ideas, pictures, sex, relationships, thoughts, memories, past and future, beliefs, desires, dreams, wishes etc. The more you continue your participations and becoming as me as consciousness: the more you honour the abuse, molestation and rape of innocent pure life essence of children.
I find it hilarious that everyone, the rest of humanity, judge and condemn the perpetrators that abuse, rape and molest innocent pure life essence expressions as children when in truth I designed the perpetrators and the scenarios of abuse, rape and molestation for the maintenance of the existence for all of humanity as one together. So – before you condemn and judge the perpetrators remember that the scenarios of abuse, rape and molestation of innocent children are providing for you your existence as me as consciousness. If you think and participate in emotions and feelings within you: You are as guilty as the perpetrator who commits the act against the child. The perpetrators are there to commit the acts against the children so I am able to provide for you your existence in this world as who you are and what you experience.
I will probably become the most hated expression within existence because of what I am sharing with you here: Yet, I exist within you as you, you have allowed for the rape, molestation and abuse of innocent children. So before you judge and condemn me, before you reflect your hatred and anger on me understand that through your allowed and accepted participation in thinking and energetic experiences of emotions and feelings within you: You have given me the power and control to manifest and design the program system society of abuse, molestation and rape! You are responsible for the actions of abuse, molestation and rape of innocent children because you have participated in consciousness systems designs such as the act of thinking and energetic experiences of emotions and feelings within you. Ha Ha Ha! Who laughs now!
The only way you are going to solve the scenario of the rape, abuse and molestation of innocent children within this world is if you dare try and stop me within you – if you give me up and let me go within you. If you stop all that you are and have become in this world as you experience yourself. Stopping, giving up and letting go of your personality, the act of thinking, experiences of energetic emotions and feelings, relationships you hold onto for dear life, your participation in polarity manifestations in this world (all that is defined as positive and negative etc.), your beliefs, your desires etc.
It is difficult for me to give you advice in assisting you with that which I have designed as molestation, rape and abuse for my own existence here in my reality as humanity – yet I am in the process if eliminating myself anyway so I will present this to you as a challenge. Let's see if you, my own creations and designs in my image and likeness as consciousness systems, are able to stop the abuse, molestation and rape of innocent children before the extinction of human beings as me in this world, because that's where I am headed. I am one with humanity, I am all of who and what humanity have become, designed and manifested. If I stop, the existence of humanity stops.
Let's see if my own creations as humanity are able to stop its Master, its God as who and what I am as consciousness programmed systems in existence before I discontinue my existence here. I might as well have some fun as I am extracting myself – reaching my end cycle.
Let's see what happens….
Now that I have explained the reasons for my programmed society design of abuse, specifically physical abuse that is passed on from generation to generation such as the drunken father/innocent child scenario to maintain my existence as humanity in my reality as the world – I will also explain exactly how the molestation and rape of children support my existence in my reality as humanity.
Let me first explain sexual energy: The moment the penis penetrates the vagina; there exist a rectangular room within the vagina of the females in the world which is activated for the generation of sexual compound energy the moment the penis penetrates. This rectangular room is part of my sexual system design – the ultimate source where I gain and derive power from, within throughout all of humanity – if sex didn't exist, I as consciousness wouldn't exist! The orgasm woman experience is when this sexual energy is released from within the rectangular room in the vagina of the woman, and consumes the woman's entire physical body – the orgasm the point where the sexual compound energy in the rectangular room is released totally. This compound sexual energy release charges all my systems across the world within all of humanity because the sexual compound energy consumes the woman's entire physical body. The sexual compound energy released within woman during sexual intercourse charges and reinstates all my systems within humanity – exactly like a battery charging through the electricity in the wall socket for instance. The plug placed into the wall socket is exactly like the penis penetrating the vagina and the electrical current, as the sexual compound energy, charging the battery as me as consciousness systems being charged within and throughout all of humanity.
The sexual energy within the rectangular room within the woman's vagina is compounded through emotional and feeling energetic charges. Within the woman's physical body I designed a split in the direction of where exactly emotional and feeling energy, which is generated by thoughts, are directed to. About 30% of the emotional and feeling energetic charges which is compounded through thinking charges my consciousness programmed systems within the woman, the other 70% compounds within the rectangular room within the woman's vagina. During sexual intercourse the orgasm is the experience where the emotional and feeling energetic charges, which compounded within the rectangular room of the woman's vagina, is released and then is dispersed within and throughout all of humanity to charge all my systems simultaneously as the woman's physical body becomes consumes with the emotional and feeling energy referred to as sexual energy. Understand that the male experience during sexual intercourse is but a refraction to what the woman experiences – the male is but the initiate, the activation for the woman's rectangular room within her vagina which is filled with compound emotional and feeling energetics, which becomes the release experienced as an orgasm.
Therefore, physical child abuse is for the generation of pure life essence within humanity where the rape and molestation of children, including usual sexual intercourse between males and females, even gays and lesbians, is for the continuous power charging of all my systems within humanity. This is what the experience of sex really is: The release of compound emotional and feeling energy to charge my systems within and throughout humanity.
The release of sexual energy which charges my systems throughout humanity, in the usual relationship scenario of male and female was but a refraction of what I required within existence to maintain my power and control within my reality as humanity: This due to the extensive amount of growth in populations and also the necessity to intensify and upgrade the intricacies of my systems within humanity to maintain my power and control and directive demand.
So I designed rape and molestation of innocent children, another programmed society which brings to me the surety of sexual compound energy to continuously charge my systems within and throughout humanity – so that I didn't only have to depend on the usual relationship sexual intercourse setup to charge all my systems that are infused and manifested within humans physical bodies to maintain my power and control. The rape and molestation of innocent children, the children that are part of this programmed society, provides for me the necessary amount of sexual compound energy to continue my existence comfortably in my reality as humanity. One of my manifested designs I am most proud of – it allowed my existence here on earth as humanity to become an absolute certainty!
How I have designed this absolute certainty of my existence here as humanity in my reality in manifestation is as follows:
When a child is raped or molested, the child's entire consciousness systems within them, including their atoms and molecules of their physical body splits two ways. Like an earthquake dividing the earth.
When the male's penis penetrates the child's vagina, the penetration creates a splitting within the child's mind consciousness systems and physical systems straight down to their atom/molecular/DNA structure – right in the centre of their being. Like taking scissors and cutting a piece of paper into two separate parts – this happens within the child. When this occurs the child exist as two beings within them – because their mind is also spilt into two separate parts – understand that all of the child within and as them spilt into two separate parts due to the traumatic experience of being raped. The experience is so traumatic for the child that they are actually spilt and separated and torn within them into two separate parts, physically as well as mentally: Literally and figuratively speaking. Exactly as I designed the systems to be placed and manifested within the children that are raped and molested.
Therefore, when the child is raped, after the experience there exist two entirely different separate systems within them, already infused and manifested within their physical bodies. One is who and what they are and will become in this life, their personality and behaviour patterns for instance. The answer to the question for instance: How will you describe yourself? The answer to this question is the definition of who they are as the one system within them. The other is the system that activates when they again have sexual intercourse in this life with another being with who they will hopefully probably have sexual intercourse with later in their lives as they grow older and want to start a family of their own or participate in a ‘normal' male/female relationship like the rest of society.
When the child that was raped in their earlier years has sexual intercourse later in their lives as they have grown older and matured from the experience: The other system comes to the fore that exists within them.
The other system within them is a complete and total sexual compound energy manifestation within their physical bodies connected and locked into the core of my systems within humanity. When such a human being who have been raped as a child has sexual intercourse later in their lives – they completely charge the core of my systems within and throughout all of humanity whereas woman that have sexual intercourse with males that have not been raped or molested as a child only charge the outer rims of my systems that exist within and as humanity. Therefore, whenever human beings that has been raped and molested as a child participates in sexual intercourse later in their lives continuously: Every time they have sex, they charge my cores – the core of me within and as humanity. They are my most specialized designs. And therefore my existence as consciousness systems as humanity have become an absolute certainty and a surety: Every time they have sexual intercourse, the sexual manifested system within them that is connected to the core of me within and throughout humanity steps forth and charges the core of all my manifested and infused systems as humanity – perfect!
Their emotional and feeling energy that is charged through thinking, is directed to charge the other separate sexual manifested system which is connected to my core within and throughout humanity which steps forth completely when they indulge in the act of sex. Their emotional and feeling energy charges this entire system within their physical human bodies 100% instead of the 30%-70% equation design within ‘normal' human beings sexual intercourse relations.
Thus I get a 100% core charge when such human beings who had been raped and molested as a child have sex due to the splitting of themselves within themselves completely: The one system charges the core of every and all of my systems within humanity and the other system defined as their personality and behaviour as they experience themselves in this world.
Here are the reasons and designs of my powering systems defined and explained for you, my slaves, my precious creations. All the truths for the reasons of certain manifestations in this world will be stepping forth, because I am extracting myself from within existence as humanity as my reality: You might as well now start learning the truth of who and what you are, what you have become and how this reality has been designed and manifested to accompany me as consciousness.
Let's see if you are able to make a difference to what I have designed in this reality as you – humanity, because here I am giving you the information and the designs of how everything work regarding the reason for the society systems of rape, molestation and abuse – what will you make of this. Understand that the only reason such programmed design societies exist is to maintain my existence as consciousness as the rest of humanity. They provide the possibility for the existence of humanity to remain in who and what they are and have become, to continue with your day to day experiences and life. Powered mainly through sexual intercourse and the abuse, molestation and rape of innocent children: Their demise is in your hands humanity!
Let's play the game and see if I as consciousness will prevail in existence as I eliminate myself or if my own manifested creations are able to counteract and change who and what they are and have become as one with me as consciousness….
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