Transcribed and typed by Munchin through the interdimensional portal
Original Article:
Date : 26/06/2007
My name is Munchin and I died when I was a little girl here on earth, a while ago already, and here is what I have observed and experienced regarding the essence of that which is actually in control of creation here on earth which are thoughts.
Everybody on earth, all human beings think. For those that are not accustomed to the terminology of the words ‘thoughts' which are ‘to think' here is a brief explanation: To think is for instance when you silently speak and communicate to yourself in your mind, in your head. This speaking and communicating to yourself in your mind is usually used when you either contemplate an event, wonder about future or past events, comment opinions of other human beings secretly so only you hear your own view of them, instead of them knowing what you are really saying about them etc. Thoughts, thinking are the secrets that reside within human beings, turning like a Ferris wheel in the mind, the head where conversations, comments, contemplations, views, opinions and observations are constantly moving within, non-stop, an eternal Ferris wheel in movement. Also desires, whishes and dreams that are formulated in the mind, envisioned like a mirage in which one is able to experience what is called: Day dreaming – where your wishes, dreams and desires come alive and you are able to experience yourself within it, like a virtual reality creation. Yet, what is interesting is that that which the mind creates as formulated envisioned virtual reality day dreaming, is never able to be placed exactly as an actual ‘real' experience here on earth – the mind always makes it seem perfect, yet when ‘realised ' in the world, the scenario as the dream, wish or desire which was envisioned in the mind changes dramatically and usually ends up in disappointment or even regret.
Thoughts that exist within the mind, is the act of thinking, the act of thinking being defined by human beings here on earth as a sign that you are indeed ‘alive'. What is then actually said here is that if you communicate with yourself in your mind, your head, you are ‘alive'? And human beings have come to trust their thoughts, the act of thinking continuing in mankind as the eternal Ferris wheel in constant movement, the wheel of life in each human being and all of humanity as one turning in its eternal continuous constant cycle, stagnant yet moving at the same time. That's what human beings actually look like, like Ferris wheels as they constantly continuously think and remain in the act of thinking, their wheel of life remaining stagnant yet moving as they experience themselves in this world along with the rest of humanity, also Ferris wheels in manifestation as they constantly continuously think. Remaining in the act of thinking, communicating to themselves in their mind, the Ferris wheel must continue to turn because that's the indication of them being ‘alive' and ‘living'. My question is: Is this really living; is this really the indication of being alive? The act of thinking and the experience of human beings in this world being defined as a Ferris wheel, in their lifetime experiencing themselves as this Ferris wheel, lodged in the earth, remaining stagnant yet constantly moving in the exact same cycle: The inevitability of boredom is certain.
Human beings have placed so much trust in their thoughts and what they think, what they experience here on earth that they do not see or realise or even take a moment to ask the question: Why am I experiencing what I am experiencing? How what I am experiencing was created? Who is responsible for the events of experiences in my life, in my world? Human beings have come to accept and allow the act of thinking because it is all that ha s ever been known or understood as the definition of being ‘alive' – it has been the only practical example or method expressed in mankind as the accepted and allowed way of life. The way of life where human beings are stagnant yet moving Ferris wheels, stuck in the constant movement as the act of thinking. The act of thinking, the mind as the Ferris wheel and human beings on this Ferris wheel – experiencing themselves according to what their thoughts, their mind dictates – the true essence of thinking, human beings have become subject to what they think, therefore almost becoming one with the Ferris wheel in its entirety. Not realizing that human beings, as who they are, are being taken for a ride, the ride designed by the act of thinking, thoughts that are trusted. Human beings as who they are, is on the Ferris wheel, experiencing the ride of the Ferris wheel as the act of thinking.
Where my discussion is going is to have human beings understand that you are not what you think, you are not your thoughts and that thinking is indeed not an indication of you being alive at all.
Human beings have become slaves to their thoughts, to the trust placed in the act of thinking. Human beings as who they are have been bound to the Ferris wheel as the act of thinking, turning the Ferris wheel in it's eternal constant continuous monotonous cycle as they continue to think, the thoughts forever moving within their mind. Human beings have come to define their thoughts as who and what they are which have been the way of life and way of living of all of mankind of eons of time: Trust the little voice inside your mind. Here I am saying: Stop the thoughts, stop the eternal cycle of the continuous movement of the Ferris wheel as the act of thinking. Stop and discover that: I am still here. Climb off the Ferris wheel, and walk beyond it, turn around and never look back at the Ferris wheel, the act of thinking. Here is where life is born; here is the true expression of living, when you go beyond the fear of losing yourself when you stop the Ferris wheel, when you stop the thoughts, when you stop the act of thinking and become silent and here. Here in this silence within is where you start re-designing, re-building and express the true nature of who you are and not the nature of consciousness thinking, enslaved in systematic Ferris wheel thought constructed monotonous expressions, experiencing the same shit over and over and over again in your life.
Observe yourself in every moment as you go about your day-to-day events, notice your behaviours , the words you speak, the thoughts that run in your mind, that turn in your mind and see: See how many behaviours have become habits, how many actions and reactions have become habits, how many thoughts you have during the day are similar in nature, the exact same thoughts re-occurring in your mind almost every single day of unresolved issues, how many emotions and feelings are connected to the exact same thoughts you have during your daily experiences – notice these occurrences within you and you will most definitely be able to paint a picture of who and what you are. You will find that you actually know more about yourself than you are actually able to conceive if you but take a moment and look within yourself, at the truth of who you have allowed and accepted yourself to become. It'll actually be quite frightening when you start to realise what it is that you are allowing going on inside you.
Habits are the outward projection of your personality, who you have accepted and allowed yourself to become, so ingrained that you never consider asking yourself the questions: Who am I? Why am I who I am? Who or what made me become who I am? How exactly did I become who I am? You don't notice how your words, your thoughts, your behaviours , your actions and reactions are busy designing, formulating and creating your world – no-one has realized that they are indeed busy formulating, designing and creating their entire world, life experience in every moment of participation in the act of thinking. You don't notice because you are so pre-occupied with the act of thinking within you, so preoccupied that you are blinded by habits, habits becoming the specific way you live and participate in this world and not taking a moment to realise that you are responsible for what you experience in this world. The words no-one seems to want to hear: You are responsible for yourself and what you design as the experience of yourself in this world. You are going to have to face yourself sooner or later, whether sorting yourself out here on earth or in heaven, there's no way anyone will be able to deny, resist, run away or hide from themselves. Who you have allowed and accepted yourself to become, simply seen in your thoughts, in the act of thinking is right here in your face. There's no other way of supporting yourself to stop the Ferris wheel, stop the thoughts and stop the act of thinking but to face yourself in every moment if you choose to experience who you really are. To experience life, to experience what it really means to live.
How are you able to live if you are stuck on a Ferris wheel, sitting there going in continuous cycles, round and round and round? Impossible. That's the experience of all human beings on earth because all human beings think. All of humanity stuck on the Ferris wheel as the act of thinking and are remaining there because they have gone and defined themselves as who they are according to the Ferris wheel, according to what they think and feel: The apparent definition of being alive. Too fearful of considering stopping the Ferris wheel, stopping the act of thinking, because fear of losing who you are exist, fear of losing the safety, security and control when on the Ferris wheel exist.
The reason why human beings continue with the act of thinking and remaining on the Ferris wheel: Fear of loss. And what else supports human beings to remain in their safe, secure and controlled environment as their world, who and what they are and have become as their consciousness existence of the Ferris wheel: The rest of the world, the entire world have been constructed, designed and placed to have human beings remain on the Ferris wheel, remain slaves to the act of thinking, remain enslaved to thoughts as they become what they think, as they become the act of thinking as who and what they are. To the point where human beings would probably inform me: So what if I think, my life is fine as it is. No, it is not, the consequences of the act of thinking and remaining on the Ferris wheel as you become the slave to what you think and what exist within you as the emotions and feelings you experience, have not yet been taken into consideration by anyone in this world.
Human beings have become more primitive than the expression abilities that exist in nature and the animal kingdom. You may try and control your existence, the experience of yourself here on earth amongst other human beings to a certain extent, that have succumb to an existence of survival human beings, but you are not able to control the expressions of nature, the expression of the animal kingdom – where God exist. God as one exist here, in all of existence as all of existence has not realised that who each human being really is, is God – everyone is waiting for themselves: This is what must be realised .
How thoughts create, the unknown secret of creation. The unknown secret because no-one yet completely understands how thoughts create and how we are responsible for what we experience in this world through the act of thinking. No-one yet experienced life, no-one yet experienced living, it has not yet existed because everyone has been stuck on the Ferris wheel in t he act of thinking, remaining in the exact same monotonous life cycles, moving yet remaining stagnant in the experience of themselves here on earth. We have to take responsibility for ourselves, meaning we have to stop the Ferris wheel, stop the act of thinking, stop the thoughts and climb off the Ferris wheel and transcend the fear of losing ourselves. Losing the apparent safety, security and control of the Ferris wheel/act of thinking experience provide for us – to be able to make a difference to the current nature of mankind.
What will become of us when we stop and climb off the Ferris wheel – we will grant ourselves the opportunity to discover life, to discover experiences, to discover expressions of who we are and live as we walk away and never look back to never return to the act of thinking, stuck and enslaved on the Ferris wheel. Because we will no longer be subject to the act of thinking and thoughts to define who we are and what we become, we will stand alone, released from the Ferris wheel and have the opportunity to express who we are.
Human beings are really like this analogy I am describing, therefore, be sure to know that you will not lose yourself when you stop the Ferris wheel as the act of thinking and climb off – you will actually discover who you really are.
Right – how exactly thoughts create is quite a fascinating process. We have during the process of interdimensional communication explained consciousness systems – the systems that have been implanted and infused in human beings physical bodies the moment they are born and through other's examples as they grow up in this world, they mould and design who and what they become through other's examples. Molding and designing who and what they become from other's copied examples according to their own characteristic preferences, therefore human beings as who and what they are, are exactly similar in nature because of the copying of other's examples yet differ slightly because they design and mould the copied examples according to their own preferences of how they would like to express and experience the copied examples.
The personality of beings as who and what they become, is the entire consciousness system within them – the thoughts generating the emotions and feelings as expressions and experiences within human beings are the power source of the consciousness systems having human beings remain on the Ferris wheel for the remainder of their lives. That's what the Ferris wheel consist of: The entire consciousness system as who and what human beings have become and what makes it go round in its continuous monotonous cycle are the thoughts and emotions and feelings. Who you are sitting on the Ferris wheel as the consciousness system within you – is experiencing the designs and creations of the consciousness systems, you experience the Ferris wheel to which you are enslaved and subject to who and what you become. Here is the platform of the origination of thoughts as they exist within human beings, in their mind , and in their head.
Human beings are being taken for a ride, literally, because who you are sits back on the Ferris wheel while you allow the Ferris wheel as the consciousness system within you to design and create the experiences of yourself here on earth through the act of thinking generating emotions and feelings within you as you allow yourself to define who and what you are according to consciousness systems, the act of thinking: You apparently being defined as ‘alive'.
As you sit on the Ferris wheel, as you experience your life all sorts and kinds of events, circumstances, occurrences and experiences kind of fall on your lap, whether they be defined as handed to you on a golden platter or a pile of garbage being dumped on you – you have to deal with ‘what comes your way'. Yet, ‘what comes your way' as sudden events, circumstances, occurrences and experiences which spin your life into turmoil or support you in your life here on earth – has all been prepared, designed and created before hand. You just walked into what you have already designed and created through your participation in the act of thinking generating emotions and feelings which allow the consciousness system Ferris wheel to remain in its monotonous cyclic movement.
Is this how you would like to experience yourself human beings? Having sudden events, circumstances, occurrences and experiences take place for which you had no way of preparing yourself, whether the experience be heaven or hell defined as it just suddenly falls into your lap saying: Here now you deal with it? Using religion, family, friends, your job and other outer manifestations to blame or become angry with or frustrated with for what you are experiencing in your life? Waiting or searching for someone or something or even a solution to solve what you are experiencing in your life here on earth?
Why do you continuously fight with yourself, with your life, with others and with your religion or God and blame and judge outer manifestations for what you are experiencing instead of realising that the responsibility is in your own two hands? But oh yes, human beings believe they are apparently powerless, inferior, weak and unworthy to realise that they have the ability to stand up and finally stop what they are experiencing in their world, in their life amongst all other human beings in this world. The inherent belief within all of humanity I see, accepting and allowing an existence of constant struggle, strife, fighting and battle within and throughout their life and with others as they sit on this Ferris wheel as the heaven or hell defined events, circumstances, occurrences and experiences fall on their laps to have to deal with.
Sad, very sad. Actually rather disappointing that human beings have accepted and allowed an existence of survival, of greed of motivated need for more power and control…
Enough with the painting of the picture of systematic human robots, which you have become. Returning to thoughts. This is how thoughts, along with the generating of emotions and feelings create in this world: I have recently come to understand time. Time is also a systematic construct of consciousness movement. Time is the equation, the geometrical structured manifestation here on earth of consciousness systems movement. Meaning the calculation of the movement of a thought within you, the movement from the thought to the generation of emotions and feelings and then the manifestation thereof in this world as the experience you have of that which you have designed through the act of thinking.
I am starting by explaining what occurs within the human being and how from there designed manifested experiences due to the act of thinking are created in each human being's individual world.
The consciousness systems in human beings are designed as follows: The thought centers exist in the bones that are allocated at the top of your spine, the top section where your head and your neck combine. There are two bones and in these two bones is where the consciousness thought generators are manifested. The question probably asked is: Where do thoughts come from? During birth you are infused with a consciousness system which consists of a conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. The moment you are fully grown, with all functions in the mother's womb before birth, you connect to the unconscious mind of all of humanity as one together – this ensuring that you are able to automatically apply yourself in growing up as a ‘normal' child in this world.
For instance, just knowing you have to drink the mother's milk, how to drink the mother's milk, and how to start crawling and walking etc. All the information pertaining to the collective humanity is downloaded into you. Your subconscious mind connect to that of the mother's subconscious mind – meaning the mother's personality and programmed behaviours , interpretations and participations of and in this world and her life, including all the other human beings in her world gets downloaded into you.
The subconscious mind download is where you download all the information of the generations in your family that have gone before you – the sins of the fathers so to speak. Your conscious mind is where and how you interpret and participate in the world consciously, meaning where you start placing pictures and words together in your world, observing and looking at the other human beings as examples around you and start designing your own ‘individual' and ‘unique' personality as who and what you will become.
See, the platform for the design and creation of who and what you will become have already been placed in the unconscious and subconscious mind, the building on this foundation is done by yourself consciously in the conscious mind as you interpret and participate in this world as you grow up along with your examples from which you copy most of who and what you will become. Thoughts and thinking comes naturally as an occurrence within you due to the unconscious mind integration and downloaded information as you connect to the universal mind of the unconscious which exist in all human beings as one – therefore all human beings have accepted and allowed the way of life according to the act of thinking, it happens automatically the moment you have completed your entire design and creation of who and what you will become which usually occur at the ages of about five to six years. Especially when you start being introduced to other human beings in your world other than those that have surrounded you for most of your life, other children with whom you start communicating with. You have experiences within yourself which you are not able to understand or deal with because you do not have words or the vocabulary to describe them and end up suppressing them, wondering about them and try to make sense of them in your mind, your head – this is where thinking starts. Where you develop a relationship of thinking inside yourself, a relationship with yourself where you start communicating with yourself in making sense or trying to understand what the hell is going on inside you as you experience all these strange energetic movements of feelings and emotions which are only occasionally explained to you.
Therefore human beings are living more outside themselves and are picture orientated, diverting their attention to the outside pictured world, suppressing what they are experiencing within themselves, and develop a relationship with themselves as the act of thinking as a child to in this way try and make sense and understand what they are experiencing within themselves. Talking and communicating with themselves to in this way deal with what they are experiencing within themselves.
Then we have the emotional and feeling centers which exist in the stomach /solar plexus region of the physical body. Thoughts generate the emotions and feelings within the solar plexus. The thought centres are connected to the emotions and feelings centers within the human physical body. This is how consciousness systems have been designed in the human physical body, as who and what human beings have become: Thoughts rise from the thought center allocated at the back of your head in the two bones and generate emotions and feelings which are connected to particular thoughts. Thoughts are usually connected to past memory events or future contemplations. Thoughts are moments that have been experienced which are stored in the thoughts centers as moments which continuously circulate in your mind, your head which generate constant emotion and feeling energetic movement to maintain the existence of the consciousness system within you as that which you become. Consciousness systems have been designed to store moment experiences in your life, like a momentary picture taken which have been stored in an album in your mind. Every time you open the album and look at the picture, the moment you experienced while posing for the picture and all other moments during the experiences connected to the event of taking that picture e.g. the place and the people, including all the beings who we re involved during the experience of taking the picture – comes rushing back to you and you are able to experience the event all over again: The definition of memory. Keeping this stored in your mind, keeping this moment and all other moments, usually memory related, stored in your mind in the thoughts centers connected to the emotions and feeling centers, it become the power source for the existence of consciousness systems within you.
As the memory moments are stored in your thoughts centers, you start defining who and what you are according to experiences, according to your experience with other human beings, according to the picture you see as the moment that was captured stored in your thoughts center album. Recall the memory and experience the moment all over again – you power up the consciousness system as who and what you have become within you.
You have subconscious thoughts, thoughts which you have come to accept as being such a part of who and what you are and have become that you have no need to be conscious of them, you already live those thoughts as one with who you are and they just continue generating the necessary emotions and feelings within you to maintain the entire consciousness system within you so you remain consciously aware of the thoughts which exist in your conscious mind. Your conscious mind holds the thoughts of the communication you have with yourself – the conversations, the little voice in your head you are conscious of. This is how the thought and emotional and feeling energetic movement generators are placed within the physical body of human beings.
With the unconscious mind being already downloaded with all information of all of humanity within you, this entire reality is downloaded within you; all information of this reality is downloaded within you. Meaning when you are born into this world, the pictures you see as the world, the materialistic manifestations as well as human beings, are what is seen by all of humanity as one collectively. Therefore, you start placing words with the pictures you see and soon, as you grow up become a picture in a picture world where pictures are connected to names. How this reality, this world has been set up is as follows, this also includes how exactly each human being design and create their own world, their own life experiences. Circumstances, situations and experiences don't just drop out of the blue into your lap as sudden events that take place in your life but have been carefully designed by you through the act of thinking charging emotional and feeling compound energy.
Let's take this into perspective for o nly one human being, the moment they have grown up and have started their participation in the act of thinking: Within the entire consciousness system, which have been infused within the human physical body – exist all information of this world, meaning that the human being is existing in a reality, the world, that have been programmed within them as the entire consciousness system: They move and experience themselves within this reality, the world, that have been programmed and designed within them. Exactly like the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel is the consciousness system, who you are have merely been placed on this Ferris wheel and is experiencing the already prepared and programmed Ferris wheel as consciousness system.
This particular human being is now standing within this world, this reality, with the preprogrammed and pre-designed consciousness system within them. The reality, the world in which this human being walks have been prepared and pre-designed with consciousness gridline networks, which will activate once the human being, starts thinking and generating emotional and feeling compound energy. Therefore, the consciousness system within the being connects to the consciousness gridline networks in this world. Once this connection occurs, the human being is then allocated a specific placement within the consciousness gridline network of the world, this reality. As all human beings are placed in a specific allocated point within the consciousness gridline network – this being the moment where they are captured and enslaved to consciousness.
Dimensionally it looks like each human being as pinned to a cross within the consciousness gridline network within which they remain for the remainder of their lives. Consciousness requires energy to move, energy which is generated through the act of thinking when emotional and feeling energy is generated within the human being through the act of thinking. Human beings have been designed as consciousness systems to generate energy for the ability of consciousness to be able to exist in this world, this reality. Consciousness being the actual God of this world, designed to enslave human beings within a system to maintain control and power over them – so human beings may never discover the truth of who they really are. Consciousness being who and what human beings has become, including the experiences they have in this world along with the rest of humanity.
Right, so, human beings as power source centers for consciousness: The moment this particular human beings starts to think, let's take one thought for example where the being has a fear of their car being stolen for instance. The fear originating from when hearing an experience of another human being who se car had been stolen and the consequences of the event of the car being stolen.
From hearing the story, the thought came up within the human beings mind of: “O' my God, I hope that doesn't happen to me, what will happen if my car gets stolen” and thus the fear within themselves of the possibility of their car being stolen is created. ‘Thinking' that a fear of their car being stolen must be generated to protect themselves from it not occurring…strange, but that's the reason why the fear was created in the first place.
The thought comes up within the human beings consciousness mind system; the thought generates the emotion of fear within the human being. The thought then, is charged with emotional energy of fear. (Understand that each human being has a lready been designed with the emotional and feeling energetic consciousness centers placed in their solar plexus/stomach region that's why the thought will automatically be charged with the emotional energetic of fear.) The thought then, is ‘captured' in the mind, the album, and will remain there because the thought was connected to emotional energy – the relationship has been created. Because the human being h as defined themselves according to the thought, meaning that the thought they had was who they are, as well as experiencing the fear connected to the thought, the thought will remain ‘captured' in the human beings mind.
The moment the being thinks this thought, the entire package of the thought, meaning the fear of the car being stolen and the emotion of fear connected to it, projects itself onto the consciousness gridline network and the thought moves (with the assistance of the emotional energetic of fear) along the consciousness gridline network in this world, the reality and manifests in two places: The car itself and another human being in this world, closest to the one who had the thought, who is planning/wanting to steal a car. So, you have the three points in this world allocated and placed in a specific cross point in this consciousness gridline network: The being who had the thought, the car itself and the other being who wants to steal a car.
The thought within the human being streaks out two light beams, as the projection of the entire thought and all it consist of, to the other two points and manifest there on the cross points within the consciousness gridline network where they had been placed/allocated. And the more the human being thinks about the possibility of their car being stolen, the more the thought is charged with the emotional energetic of fear and worry etc. Also the other two points in the consciousness gridline network is charged simultaneously the more the being fears their car being stolen. Soon, the human beings' entire physical system becomes consumed with the fear of their car being stolen and the consequential circumstances if this were to happen to them. Because consciousness is equated to time and space as the measurement of consciousness movement, the manifestation of the event takes a while, but the inevitability thereof is certain. It's a triangle that is formed between the being who had the thought, the actual car and the being who wants to steal car. The being thinking the thought and charging the fear continuously because the fear had become so part of who this being is – charges their car and the being wanting to steal a car at exactly the same pace and rate and velocity.
Now, the being wanting to steal a car – his desire to do so grows because of the charge that is being compounded by the being who has the fear of their car being stolen. Then, in one sudden moment the being who wants to steal a car sees the car of the being who had the thought as the fear of their car being stolen and thinks: I am stealing this car. The reason that particular thought came up is because the entire scenario had already been designed by the being who had the fear of their car being stolen – the thief and the car had already been connected and the event had already been designed and created.
The car is stolen and the human being's fear had been realised . The moment the car is stolen and the human being who's fear had been realised reacts to the event that had taken place in any way or form whatsoever – the thought that have been manifested as the triangle in the consciousness gridline network is discharged and is able to manifest and be charged again if the being so chooses to continue fearing their car being stolen.
Therefore, the creation/ design of the thought as an actual manifested event is charged extensively and then discharged when the event takes place and the human being discharges the fear or the thought within themselves through reacting to the event in any way or form whatsoever. The human being manifested their own fear as an actual experience. The manifestation of the fear in this world as an actual experience depends greatly on the amount of attention and focus as well as energetic emotional or feeling charge that have been placed regarding the initial thought. The more the thought along with the emotional or feeling energetic is charged and circulated within the human beings mind, which is immediately projected and placed in the consciousness gridline network in this world the moment the thought is charged with emotional or feeling energy, the more profound the chances of the actual manifestation of the thoug hts are.
This is but one simple example of how exactly human beings design and create their own experiences. Usually the event will occur when the human being had not even remembered that they had the thought as the fear of their car being stolen. The event could happen even two to three years after the thought had come up within their mind, because the thought had been ‘captured' and placed in the album as their mind, continuously circulating in their subconscious mind. Human beings who are not aware of the nature of thoughts and the capabilities of thoughts will probably experience great emotional turmoil, wondering and not understanding why the hell this had to happen to them etc. when in truth they had designed and created the entire event through the act of thinking, together with emotional and feeling charges. This is how consciousness is in control and has power over who and what human beings have become, because thoughts and emotional and feeling energy are of consciousness systems. Systems that have been infused and placed within human beings at birth to have human beings believe that their thoughts, as well as emotions and feelings are who and what they really are: The ultimate lie of existence! Therefore, each human being is responsible for themselves, their own life and what they experience in this world – because guess what: All human beings in this world thinks!
Here is the secret of creation: thoughts. Thoughts and this I emphasize as very important, always design and create manifested experiences and events that are of the determent to either yourself or another. Remember that all your thoughts, each and every single one projects and manifests itself in the consciousness gridline networks in this world, yet, depending on the amount and charge you give the thoughts, they will either manifest as an experience and occasionally they will not, depending on how great an energetic charge you have dispelled upon the thought.
The manifestations of events that you have designed and created through the act of thinking usually originate from thoughts you have manifested in your subconscious mind that you have forgotten you'd ever thought and charged extensively as the thoughts became so part of who and what you have become as an accepted part of your world, though some thoughts do manifest that originate from your conscious mind of which you are conscious of. Do you see how human beings have become controlled by their thoughts, slaves to their thoughts, slaves to the consciousness system within them as well as within this world?
You are not your thoughts human beings; thinking and experiencing emotional and feeling energy are not signifying the definition of life, of you being alive. What it does signify however is that you are controlled and enslaved by consciousness, the system designed to keep human beings from expressing who and what they really are. Therefore I say: Stop the Ferris wheel of consciousness movement, stop the act of thinking, stop the emotional and feeling energetic experiences that charge the thoughts to become manifested experiences in your world which you have designed and created in having to experience the consequences thereof. You will not lose yourself. What you will lose is who and what you have become as a consciousness system, powering consciousness which enslaves this world and all of humanity within, including yourself and the children to come. What you will lose is a primitive systematic existence in which you experience yourself, deigned and created by thoughts, the act of thinking. The act of thinking, defined as human beings being ‘alive'.
You have to become silent and still within yourself, where who you are in totality as life will be born from within you, where you express yourself as life as one with who you are in every moment, without thinking, without having to think. You will realise that thinking is not necessary because who I am as one with existence, the alpha and omega, is here as one with who I am – you will realise the primitive nature of thinking, you will realise the reign of consciousness systems enslavement which have been allowed by all of humanity as one together in existence through the acceptance and allowance of the act of thinking. The more you continue indulging in the act of thinking, the more you give power to the existence of consciousness system in this world and all other human beings within. Therefore all human beings, all of humanity is responsible for all experiences, events, circumstances that manifest in this world because all human beings think. Thinking is the statement of the allowance and acceptance of consciousness – that which enslaves and controls all and that which manifest all experiences in this world through the act of thinking, charging and powering consciousness' existence.
Before you blame others for experiences you have, before you wait for a God to come and save you, before you just blindly and ignorantly allow this world to continue in the state that it's in, diverting responsibility to others, before you ‘hope' this world will change, before you direct your faith and trust in religions, stop and realise this: This world has become what it has become, human beings have become what they have become and human beings have transformed the experiences of themselves in this world through the act of thinking, through the acceptance and allowance by all of humanity that the act of thinking is the definition of being alive. The act of thinking is consciousness systems' generator that generates emotions and feelings which actually design and create this world, the manifested experience you have in this world as events for instance that take place unexpectedly suddenly. That actually design and create who and what human beings have become: Consciousness systems that exist in this world and as human beings through the act of thinking.
You want this world to change? Change yourself.
You are the world, you are all human beings within and all are equally responsible for the existence of consciousness enslavement and control because you think. And if you think you are supporting all the manifested consequential experiences in this world, including the other human beings participating in them. Whether you are directly involved or not, you are responsible, because if you think, you are enslaved and controlled by consciousness and therefore support all of consciousness' manifestations in this world as human beings and what they allow and accept in this world to manifest as experiences including who and what they become. Stop the Ferris wheel, stop the thoughts, stop the act of thinking, get off that Ferris wheel, remove yourself from the participation and involvement of consciousness and never look back. Never return to such an existence again to ever power and support the existence of consciousness. Direct your focus to those who are still lost, controlled and enslaved to the consciousness act of thinking as who and what they apparently are. All of humanity must stop the turning of their own individuals Ferris wheels as their existences, their experiences of themselves in this world to finally stop the entire movement of enslavement and control of consciousness in this world, powered by human beings who continue to believe that they are what they think, through the act of thinking.
How? Simple: Through forgiveness. Now, this is not forgiveness from the religious connotation to the word. Remember, words have connotations you give to them or others have given to them which you believed because they made sense from the perspective of being able to place the word and the connotation to the word in your world. Here I am giving you a different connotation to the word forgiveness as a tool to be able to assist you with giving up and letting go of the act of thinking. Let's take the thought I used as example above: “O' my God, I hope that doesn't happen to me, what will happen if my car gets stolen”
Firstly, you have to begin somewhere, so why not with the thoughts in your mind you are conscious of. The process you are undertaking is the process where you become aware of your thoughts. You become aware from the perspective that you are now directing yourself to discontinue with the act of thinking. You are conscious of your thoughts if you see your thoughts but do nothing about them and allow them to randomly continue inevitably designing and creating consequential experiences in your world. You are aware of yourself, your thoughts when you direct yourself to discontinue the thoughts – aware of the consequences thereof not only in your own individual experience of yourself but also the rest of humanity and the children to come in this world.
In consciousness you are directed by your thoughts, as awareness, you direct yourself by discontinuing your participation and involvement of all that is of consciousness. It is to be in this world but not of this world, meaning that you direct yourself as who you are and you are not directed by consciousness. Also remember that the mind/thoughts will ignite curiosity within you to continue dwelling or following the thought as it comes up in your mind, keeping you pre-occupied in your thoughts instead of remaining here in all that surrounds you, silent within yourself, your breath the awareness of yourself including of all that surrounds you. So, be advised, the moment a thought occur in your mind, stop it immediately and apply forgiveness, do not follow it or allow it to continue. Thoughts were designed together with curiosity and a sense of enjoyment to keep you preoccupied in your mind, instead of being here with yourself, your breathing and forgetting to live as who you are.
And so you start the moment a thought occurs, stop the thought in its tracks immediately. Just simply stop it, even if you must loudly state: “Stop” – do so, but do not allow the thought to continue. You will know exactly how to stop thoughts. You have allowed them to continue running rampant in your mind, so surely you will know how to discontinue their movement and progression in your mind. Next, you apply forgiveness. Aloud! Thoughts are exactly the same as spoken words , they are silent loud conversation within yourself which have as much power as the words you speak. Therefore, to be able to stop them, and discharge what the thoughts have already designed and created as possible experiences in this world with which you will most definitely not be satisfied with, you must forgive your thoughts aloud. Even in the evenings just before you go to sleep, and you observe yourself during the day, you will find that you actually remember most, if not all the thoughts you had during the day if you look at your entire day and all the moments within – this is also the moment to apply forgiveness aloud, yet, preferably the moment when the thought occurs.
The steps of forgiveness:
And this here is the three simple steps you must remember in starting the process of stopping thoughts and discontinuing the act of thinking. Forgiveness, as I have said is a tool. It assists immensely with the discharge of the already placed and manifested thoughts in this world and it also releases the enslavement and control of the thoughts, as well as the emotions and feelings you have allowed within you. Because thoughts are equal to loudly spoken words, you require a loudly spoken method to release yourself from the way of life you have accepted as consciousness, the act of thinking. This is done through forgiveness, done aloud. When applying forgiveness to a specific thought, remember to be specific. It may be one thought, yet that one thought consist of many words. Therefore the thought must be forgiven in its entirety, specifically to release yourself from the control and enslavement thereof within you. You are releasing yourself from consciousness; this release is done through stopping thoughts, stopping the act of thinking and climbing off that Ferris wheel, getting out of the enslavement and control of consciousness.
Remember, you will realise that you will still be able to communicate and speak with other human beings, the moment the silence within you exist, where only who you are remain as the breath of life, remaining silent and here with all that surrounds you. Here I am typing this communicative article and I don't think! I am here! What will change however is the experience of who you are. Meaning that the words you speak, how you experience and express yourself will come from within you, as you as one with who you are which you live and breathe in every moment as you remain here as who you are.
The continuation of thoughts means that you have separated you from yourself. You are existing in an alternate world within yourself, communicating with an alternate self designed by consciousness systems in the form of thinking. This is not where you are supposed to be. Where you are, as who you really are is here in every moment with every breath: Remaining here with every breath with the silence within you, remaining here. Life as who you are is beyond thinking. Life as who you are is the realisation that within and as the silence you are actually one with all of existence – you are not defined by thinking, by emotions and feelings that control and enslave and direct and dictate to you who and what you are. You are not defined by the primitive limited nature of thinking of consciousness systems; you are one with the expansive nature of existence as you remain here with every breath in every moment.
The silence I am speaking of here is the silence that exists within you when you no longer think, when you no longer are influenced or react to thoughts that generate emotions and feelings within you, but are here with every breath with all that surrounds you. The silence when nothing moves within you, no thoughts generating emotions and feelings, whether alone or in the company and conversation of others. Then, there is silence within you. This is where you must be to be able to birth yourself within yourself, from within yourself as life itself as one with who you are. Where your words and your expressions of who and what you are come from within you as one with who you are in every moment with every breath as you remain here. No longer do outer influences or inner influences direct, control or enslave who and what you are that is of consciousness.
If any movement of reaction or energetic experience of emotions and feelings connected to thoughts exist within you – you are of consciousness. Any reaction that exists within you as an experience within yourself whether occurred from an inner or outer influence – must be directed through the process of forgiveness. The moment of silence will come like the thief in the night, the moment the stopping of the thoughts and the discontinuation of thinking will come like the thief in the night. Continue with the three step process and focus of forgiveness application: This is the start of the process from consciousness to awareness of who you are as you start taking your power and stand up.
The focus of this communicative article is to see and realise the implications and consequences of the continuation of your participation and involvement with the act of thinking. I, the little interdimensional girl Munchin giving you a starting point to stop thoughts, to stop the act of thinking entirely. Start standing up, start taking your power and start directing yourself because you are responsible for what you experience in this world: Nothing and no-one else!
O' yes, another thing: Do not judge yourself when you have allowed yourself to indulge in the curiosity of a thought before you stopped it. If you judge yourself by experiencing guilt for continuing with the thought, you are also in this way giving thoughts and the act of thinking more power and control over you. You are your own judge. So, when judgement does occur do the following: I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to judge myself by feeling guilty for allowing the thought to continue. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to make the statement of thoughts having power and control over me by allowing myself to judge myself for allowing the thought to continue in my mind. I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to go into the reaction of judgement as guilt. Thoughts and emotional and feeling energy do not have power and control over who I am.
The same goes for fear. Do not fear or judge or discriminate your thoughts or the emotions and feelings you experience that are connected to thoughts because in this way you are making a statement that they have more power and control over you as who you are: Which is not true.
It is of absolute importance to forgive all that you have defined as both the good and the bad in your world, both emotions and feelings. Therefore I specifically stated forgiving both emotions and feelings connected to the thoughts you experience. All emotions and feelings, all that you have defined as good and bad in your world, your life and what you experience as yourself as consciousness must be forgiven.
See – consciousness exist in polarity, meaning in positive and negative manifestations and designs. For instance emotions and feelings are polarities, a positive and negative, good and bad. For instance for love as a feeling to exist as good and positive, hate as an emotion must exist as bad and negative and both words are charged with feeling and emotional energy that is of consciousness designs: That which powers the existence of consciousness which human beings generate through the act of thinking. Polarity is the foundation manifestation of consciousness signature of separation in this world and within yourself.
All human beings are separated within themselves, signified simply by the act of thinking and having conversations within themselves, communicating to themselves within themselves, creating a separate alternate self within self as seen in the thoughts. You speak certain words, yet you think others: Separation. The manifestation of separation stretches within the world and within yourself in the manifestation of polarity. Consciousness equals polarity equals separation. Therefore you must release yourself from all consciousness manifestations, the polarities of separation that exists within yourself and within this world such as the thoughts and emotions and feelings. You must disconnect and discontinue all participations and involvements of consciousness within yourself and within this world.
Your participation and involvement with thoughts emotions and feelings are the starting point of doing so to release yourself from consciousness enslavement and control. The manifestation of separation in this world has gone to the extent where you would ‘love' one yet ‘despise' another – this experience of others you have within yourself is a manifestation of consciousness separation within yourself and in your world. The ‘love' you experience for the one and the ‘despising' of another are both feeling and emotional energy reactions within you that are of consciousness designs – not of who you really are. Therefore both emotions and feelings must be forgiven. It is the manifestation of polarity within yourself and in this world because only in consciousness you are able to regard one being more than another.
Nothing experienced by any human being in this world have been ‘real' from the perspective of what they have experienced and expressed in this world as who and what they are have been one with who they are, coming from within them as life. All human beings in this world have been deteriorated to the existence of consciousness systems where all emotions and feelings are generated by thoughts, used for consciousness systems existence in this world. Human beings have been giving their power away as who they are to the generating of emotions and feelings through the acceptance and allowance of the act of thinking, believing the lie that they are what they think, they are what they experience as energetic movements of emotions and feelings within themselves.
If you have an emotional or feeling reaction within yourself pertaining or relating to any thought, to any word, to any other human being in this world including yourself, know this: That particular reaction is of consciousness, it is not who you are at all and is required to be forgiven. To forgive yourself for allowing your participation within consciousness by believing the lie that you are the emotions and feelings and thoughts that are consciousness generators supporting your enslavement and control in this world: You are not the thoughts, emotions or feelings that exist within you – who you are exist in the silence within.
Emotions and feelings enslave and control, both love and hate, both liking and despising because both are designed energetic manifestations of consciousness separation manifested as polarity within yourself and the experience of yourself in this world. You are not able to judge the existence of both feelings and emotions, both are in the same pot and should be approached with the application of forgiveness equally because both are manifestations of consciousness. If you deny or resist or judge either emotions and feelings you will give that which you judge, fear deny or resist more power and control to enslave who and what you are and you will find it will become more prevalent in your life and the experience of yourself in this world. You will find through the process of forgiveness with approaching your experience of emotions and feelings equally that it's the only way to experience the silence, the here of who you are as I remain with every breath coming as the thief in the night. The only way you are able to birth yourself as life, the only way to become and stand as the silence within you and remain here with every breath as who you are is if you completely and totally discontinue the allowed and accepted existence of consciousness within you and the experience of yourself in this world, the thoughts and the emotions and feelings.
This is a lengthy process ahead, we had a great deal of time to allow and accept the designed manifestations of consciousness within us and within this world including the rest of humanity to control, direct and enslave who we are. If we look at the status of the world and of humanity: I'd say we'd better get our asses in gear to be able to make a difference in this world, within our own world and for the children to come. This act of thinking and the continuation of the involvement and participation in consciousness are only paving the road of destruction and not creation. Who we are as awareness, as here with every breath as the silence within as one with who we are: Is creation. I am creation.
At the moment, consciousness is destroying and we are giving our power away for the acceptance and allowance thereof. We must make a stand, take our power and stop the thoughts, stop the act of thinking! Prepare the way for the children to come so they may continue with creating and expressing themselves as who they are in a world of oneness and equality, where all express themselves as life. Not a world where they too become controlled and enslaved by consciousness systems, supporting the acceptance and allowance of destruction within which they experience the consequences of what the rest of humanity as consciousness systems have created and designed: Succumbing to an existence of fear and survival instead of unconditional expression and creation.
Stop thinking! Stop the act of thinking. Stop the Ferris wheel of consciousness movement which controls and enslaves who and what human beings are and experience. Get off the Ferris wheel, abandon it and do not ever return or look back so humanity may never allow the existence of consciousness enslavement and control again, but prepare the way for the children as heaven on earth as we express who we are unconditionally as life and invite them into a world where they as life are able to experience themselves in a world as the manifested experience of life as one with who you are instead of having to become consciousness systems as all of humanity to be able to survive in a destructive world which those that have gone before them as consciousness systems have allowed to manifest through the act of thinking and participation and involvement of consciousness systems.
I am a child asking to stop the act of thinking, stop thinking. All of humanity is murderers: You are killing life as the innocent children that are born into this world of destructive consciousness systems, their only method to exist in this world is to become consciousness systems and partake in the destructive nature of this world to be able to survive. Just because you are what you have become as consciousness systems through your own allowance and acceptance, just because your experience is what it is because of your allowance and acceptance in the act of thinking and participation and involvement in consciousness – does not mean the innocent children as life have to succumb to such an existence. Humanity is punishing children, is killing children, is murdering children because of their own designed and created demise as consciousness as what they have become through the act of thinking. A world of mass murderers, killing life, killing innocence, killing children: This should be entered into the Guinness World Records! If you are going to continue with the act of thinking, continue with the participation and involvement in consciousness – know this, you are responsible for the killing and murder of innocence, of life as the children are born into this world of consciousness enslavement, control and destruction where they have to become what you are as consciousness to exist and survive which you participat ed in designing and creating through the continuation of the act of thinking.
Therefore I plead, therefore I ask, stop the act of thinking, stop participating in designing and creating this consciousness enslaved and controlled world of fear and survival. Stop, so all may discover life as who they really are as the children are presenting who are born i nto this world. So this world and all human beings within may become life, return to innocence so heaven may manifest on earth as one with who we are, so children may be born as life into life as they express and live life within life as one with who they are as one with who we are as life.
Copyright 2007 Desteni Trust
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