Transcribed and typed by Veno through the interdimensional portal
Original Article:
Date : 11/07/2007
The Design of the Structural Resonance in the Human Physical Body :
Here is how the structural resonance in the physical body is placed: It is placed according to specific ‘points'. (See sketch added to this article within the original article - link added above.)
These ‘points' are ‘connected' to form a complete structure within the physical body referred to as the one and only: Structural resonance which actually direct and control you throughout your entire life experience here on earth. This structural resonance within you is that which defines ‘who you really are' in the system and which you have designed during your first life experience here on earth. And you have become dependant on this structural resonance as it is responsible for all your experiences here on earth during your lifetime(s).
Here is where the ‘points', which ‘connect' to form the structural resonance as ‘who you really are' in the system, are specifically allocated within the human physical body and the definitions for these specific ‘points' as the reason why they are allocated in specific placements within the human physical body:
1.) FOREHEAD point :
This ‘point' has been specifically placed as the Eye of Consciousness. The ‘Eye of Consciousness' is the Eye of the Systems. The ‘point' of ‘being' or attainment of ‘being' is indicated by the Eye of Consciousness/Eye of the Systems – the indication of your access within and as the System both within yourself and in the world as you have ‘proven yourself worthy' to become ‘one' with the Systems, to become ‘one' with Consciousness: Signified by the ‘Third Eye' connection. It is called various different names and given various different definitions in this world connected to various different beliefs, religions or followings, yet the reason for its existence is the significance of being's access in becoming ‘one' with consciousness / ‘one' with the systems. That's what this ‘point' actually stands for: The becoming ‘one' with the systems / consciousness within yourself and in this world – yet it may be cloaked as the wolf in sheep's clothing. When this ‘point' is attained – you are connected to the entire world system/consciousness existence through this ‘Third Eye' connection – presenting you with the belief/idea/perception that you have attained to something ‘greater' or ‘profound' or a ‘higher state of being' etc. When in truth this is the ultimate sacrifice of who you really are as you sacrifice yourself totally in becoming one with the systems/consciousness as that which enslaves and controls all of humanity as one together. In accessing this ‘state of being' you actually give all your power as who you really are to the systems/consciousness in existence saying: “Here I am systems, your servant, take me, I am sacrificing myself for your existence. You are my ‘God' and I am your slave. I give you permission to continue the enslavement and control you stand for and as.”
This point have also been specifically used by dimensional beings to program human beings through words and sound frequencies as it presents an access point opening into your entire structural resonance – into all that you are within the system – giving dimensional beings the ability to control and direct and change and influence you at will and as they please. As I have mentioned this point to be referred to as the Eye of Consciousness/the Eye of the Systems – your structural resonance is of consciousness, is of systems and therefore is a ‘doorway' into ‘who you are' within the system. The doorway which presents the access into all that you are and have become within the system, within consciousness. This was done to design specific outcomes which the dimensional beings was able to use to manipulate and deceive humanity into further enslavement and control, either in human beings' personal life or in the rest of the world – designing specific outcomes to generate fear or hope. Whether you believe in the existence of dimensional beings or not – this was possible to be done to anyone, anywhere and anytime.
2.) EYE points :
Herein is the definitions of ‘who you are' within the system: The definition of your structural resonance which you have used to define and design ‘who you are' within the system. Which consist of pictures, words, emotions and feelings, memories etc.: The primary generators of consciousness systems within you and within the world. This is where the systems within you as that which you would use to define ‘who you are' within the system/consciousness is placed. This ‘I' (eye) as ‘who you are' within the system is your structural resonance that is of consciousness systems as that which you have used to define ‘who you are'.
How you see the world how you see yourself, how you look at the world, how you look at yourself, how you interpret the world, how you interpret yourself, how you perceive the world, how you perceive yourself: All is locked into the points allocated at your human physical eyes as experienced by ‘who you are' within the system. Remaining a picture in a picture world, blind to what you see with your human physical eyes: When in truth it is ‘who you are' within the system as a system, as consciousness, which look, see, interpret and perceive yourself and the world through your human physical eyes that is of consciousness, that is of systems and not who you really are ‘beyond' the existence of consciousness systems.
Understand that what you see with your human physical eyes is what you that is of consciousness, that is of systems see – the pictures you interpret and perceive in this world that controls and directs the experience of yourself in this world, along with many other aspects that is to follow. You as who you really are ‘beyond' consciousness systems don't exist: At this very moment all of humanity is but structural resonances that is of consciousness, that is of systems.
What also exists within the EYE points is the ‘relationship' you currently have with yourself and with the world as all other beings within it. This ‘relationship' I am referring to is the relationship you have developed and trusted with the consciousness systems within you (as your structural resonance) and within the world as all other beings that is also of consciousness systems. The word EYE in this context used by consciousness systems' sound symbols is as follows:
E = Eternity/Eternal
Y = Bound enslavement on your cross-point placement allocation in the White Light gridline structure.
E = Eternity/Eternal
The definition of the word EYE in this context used by consciousness systems is as follows: “I am bound to eternal enslavement on the cross-point placement allocation within the White Light gridline structure in the linear space/time continuum of earth.” If you have a look, the ‘E' that stands on both sides of the ‘Y': The ‘E' on both sides is signifying the linear time/space continuum experience of yourself as you are bound to eternal enslavement in your human physical form, life after life after life and the ‘Y' is signifying you that is bound to the eternal enslavement of consciousness systems in this world, life after life after life.
And therefore, the EYE points is the definition of ‘who you are' within the system at your cross-point placement allocation within the White Light gridline structure on earth as you experience yourself in this world as consciousness systems and of consciousness systems.
3.) NOSE point :
Here is an interesting point, a fascinating point actually. The Pyramids in Egypt : The structural design of the nose is connected to the structural design of the Pyramids in Egypt .
(NOTE: The complete history of this in terms of the build of the Pyramids and the reason for the existence of Pyramids in the world will be explained by beings in the dimensions who were responsible for the design and manifestation of the Pyramids – and NOT what you have learned in History Books.)
First allow me to explain the specific structural design of the Pyramids:
The structural design of the Pyramids were placed as a worshipping symbol to ‘Gods/Goddesses' during the period the Pyramids were established.
Yes – the human form was already satisfactorily manifested during this period but in explaining the structural design of the Pyramids, it will place the structural design of the nose of the human physical body into perspective. Because it was when the Pyramids were designed and built that the consciousness system was infused within the nose of the human physical body which I will be explaining:
The Pyramids' structural design was the standing of Man ‘worshipping' while waiting for ‘God'. The foundation of the Pyramids stretching to a point which reach and ‘connect' to the sky – is signifying/symbolizing Man's waiting for ‘God's' coming. Taking a human beings' physical body as they stand stable on the ground with their two feet slightly apart and their arms stretched straight towards the sky and their hands placed together as though in prayer: The Pyramids' structural design was manifested as the symbol of Man ‘connecting' to ‘God' and waiting for ‘His' coming by standing as I have explained. By standing in this way it is signifying Man ‘wanting and desiring' to ‘connect' with ‘God' – through the ‘belief' that ‘God' had left Man. Therefore the Pyramids were built from the ‘dust of the earth' as the ‘dust of the human physical form' (from which it was ‘created') to symbolize and signify Man's ‘waiting' for ‘God's' coming – Man's eternal waiting for ‘God's' coming.
The Pyramids were built for ‘God' as a symbol to signify to ‘Him' that Man is waiting for ‘His' coming and want and desire ‘Him' to ‘connect' with Man once more. Also as a symbol signifying Man's eternal binding to earth, while waiting for ‘God' to ‘connect' once more, as punishment, because the human beings during this period still ‘believed' that they were the reason ‘God' left and deserved to ‘pay' for it. ‘Paying' for it by becoming slaves, deeming themselves worthless on earth and preparing earth by building structural designs on earth that stand as being more profound and great than they are – to ‘satisfy' their ‘Master' that had left them.
Therefore they built the Pyramids as symbolized design as Man's eternal waiting for ‘God' to ‘connect' once more and while waiting, they will become worthless suffering slaves on earth as their own punishment, while preparing earth to become worthy once more for ‘God's' coming: In this way ‘asking forgiveness' to ‘God' for them being the reason ‘He' had left, the specific reason not known. It was believed that ‘God' will ‘connect' through ‘sending' a light beam from the sky through the point of the Pyramid – signifying ‘God's' connection with Man once more.
This ‘God' the human beings had allowed themselves to become worthless slaves here on earth for, eternally bound to earth while waiting and preparing earth with structural designs for ‘God's' coming – is none other than consciousness systems. What did these human beings during this period actually do? They prepared the way before the rest of humanity in making this statement: “We bind ourselves eternally to earth as slaves to consciousness systems, building structural designs and preparing earth for you, as consciousness systems by us, your slaves, so you as consciousness systems may eternally here on earth enslave and control us: Within the world and within ourselves.” Doing this so that generation after generation after generation – human beings will eternally remain slaves to consciousness systems, eternally bound to earth to ‘live' as slaves and ‘work' as slaves for consciousness systems – and honour this symbolized manifestation of the Pyramids as themselves to ‘God' as consciousness systems. Thus, to this day, human beings are ‘living' for consciousness systems as they have eternally bound themselves as slaves to consciousness systems, by becoming ‘one' with it, within themselves and within this world along with the rest of humanity: Generation after generation after generation.
Therefore, it was so infused within the nose of the physical human body: Human beings' eternal enslavement and control as slaves to consciousness systems – ‘living' for consciousness systems, generation after generation after generation. How is this ‘living' done? Through ‘copying' the ‘becoming' of who and what you are according to those that have gone before you as consciousness systems. Through ‘copying' all that is of this world that is of consciousness systems for you to design who and what you are and will become as consciousness systems. Therefore this world and humanity is on the straight road to: Nowhere. Because generation after generation after generation you have been locked into the ‘living' expression of ‘who you are' in the system as worthless slaves ‘living' and ‘suffering' for consciousness systems – preparing the way for the further development and manifestation of consciousness systems within yourself , within the rest of humanity and within the world. Therefore, what is placed within the NOSE point is the knowledge and information structural belief/idea that human beings must suffer on earth as apparent ‘payment'/punishment because humanity is the reason that ‘God' had left. And within this belief/idea humanity is actually enslaved and control by consciousness systems within themselves as they ‘live' for consciousness systems, preparing the way for the further development and manifestation of consciousness systems within themselves and in this world as the rest of humanity. All knowledge and information of those that have gone before human beings on earth in this moment is stored in the NOSE point – the knowledge and information structural belief/idea of who you are and the reason for why you are here on earth: Which is still accepted and allowed within all of humanity as you ‘live' for consciousness systems and suffer while doing so by believing that you are worthless slaves continuously allowing enslavement and control in existence.
4.) MOUTH point
The MOUTH point is the ‘holder' of the pre-programmed life experience of yourself here on earth within the White Light gridline structure – referred to as your ‘blueprints'.
As you ‘come of age' you lose your first set of teeth that had come out. The first fresh beautiful set of teeth that come out when you are a child I will refer to as your ‘Pure Teeth'. They are pure from the perspective that they are developed from within the pure life essence resonance foundation as who you really are and actually support who you really are. Yet, here come the designers of consciousness enslavement and control systems and implement a system within your entire physical body as you develop in the mother's womb, which is actually transferred to you through the ‘sins of the fathers' principle, that ‘push out' your ‘Pure Teeth' and replace it with ‘System Teeth'.
The ‘System Teeth' carry the blueprints of your entire life experience here on earth, meaning that the blueprints as your ‘System Teeth' carry your entire pre-programmed life within the White Light gridline structure. The moment your ‘Pure Teeth' fall out and are replaced with your ‘System Teeth' – your entire life, all the experiences of yourself here on earth, is programmed and infused within the White Light gridline structure on earth. Because your ‘System Teeth' carry the blueprints of your pre-programmed life here on earth within the White Light gridline structure – the two lock in together and voila: You are ready to experience your manifested pre-programmed life here on earth.
Your entire life experience on earth has been pre-programmed humanity – and it's all allocated in the blueprints of the teeth you currently have! Understand that the blueprints of the ‘System Teeth' that are developed and come through when your ‘Pure Teeth' fall out – is transferred from within the preprogrammed mind consciousness system already manifested and infused within you while you were busy being developed in the mother's womb. And this is how the consciousness systems within you started manifesting into an actual becoming here on earth as you experience yourself: The consciousness systems manifested as you grow, physically and mentally in this world as indicated by the teething process. Therefore the teeth you now have is supporting consciousness systems as who and what you have become and accepted yourself to be – as you live and experience yourself within your pre-programmed life design.
(NOTE: I am not saying that you must pull all your teeth. In PART FOUR I will be giving all practical examples of how to support yourselves and the children to come in not having to be controlled and enslaved, but to take your own power and direct yourself as who you really are within which this part I have explained above will be placed into perspective for you. So pause on pulling the teeth.)
5.) THROAT point :
Your throat point contains your vocal cords or as I would prefer to refer to it as: Your Voice Box.
The sounds, in which you communicate and voice your words with, have also unfortunately been influenced by the systematic design of the consciousness systems within you. Meaning that words and the sounds in which you communicate them have been separated within yourself – words and sounds are not one as they are currently spoken within humanity yet it may seem so because you're probably asking: Then how's it possible that I communicate with words in sound as sound? Here, allow me to explain:
The words and sounds in which you communicate have been separated from yourself, within yourself, in totality. Meaning that when you communicate, all the words together with the sounds they are expressed within are actually done in support of consciousness systems within you and within the world and not spoken and voiced (words and sounds) as an unconditional expressive statement of who you really are.
How was this done?
In your Voice Box, situated in your throat region, is another system which is part of and one with the entire mind consciousness system within you. This Voice Box system have been designed with consciousness sound frequencies, mathematical equations and symbols – developed and designed by none other than Marduk – which also assist with the development of the entire mind consciousness system within you. Assisting in developing the definition and design of ‘who you are' and ‘who you will become' within the system as a mind consciousness system. Therefore words have been connected to consciousness sound frequency symbols as well as mathematical equations to support and assist the development and manifestation of the mind consciousness system within you as who and what you will become as you come of age in this world and experience your pre-programmed life experience. All the words you continuously speak, the specific sound frequency of each word, the emotional and feeling connotations to each word, the accepted picture or definition connected to each word, the specific symbol allocated to each word, the mathematical equation of which each word consist of: All this that each and every single word consist of and is designed as is manifested within each and every single human beings' Voice Box within the THROAT point and is connected to and one with your entire mind consciousness system within you. And this includes the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Therefore when you speak any and all words, you actually support the compounding manifestation and existence of consciousness systems within yourself and within this world as the rest of humanity.
Have a look at the consequential effect of the existence of words and sounds as per consciousness systems designs: Whether you think a word or voice a word – it's the same thing because the word exist within you as per consciousness systems designs which I have described above.
Let's take the word ‘rape' for instance: If you but even communicate in conversation the topic regarding the word ‘rape' or even think about it and look at it in your mind through the act of thinking: You are actually manifesting the word in this world. Why? Because all words have been programmed in the image and likeness of that within which you experience yourself as in this world: The White Light gridline structure. In other words if you communicate or even think about the word rape as the word exist within you as consciousness systems designs as the sound frequency of the word ‘rape', the emotional and feeling connotation to the word ‘rape', the accepted picture or definition connected to the word ‘rape', the specific symbol allocated to the word ‘rape' and the mathematical equation of the word ‘rape' – you manifest all that this word ‘rape' stand as within your self as consciousness systems designs and world definition acceptance – as an actual experience. Whether by yourself or by anyone else in this world: You support the existence and manifested experience of rape in this world. And this goes for all words humanity, each and every single word because words and the sounds you communicate and voice them with, have been programmed and designed to support consciousness systems.
Why do you think there exist news broadcasting centers, to be displayed on television, newspapers regarding the status and situation of the world: It is reflecting what all of humanity as one is designing and manifesting through the words you speak and the thoughts you think. Also, of course, to further have you speak and think as communication of all that is broadcasted in the media as the news so that you are able to continue supporting consciousness systems within yourself and in this world which become manifested experiences within which you are controlled and directed and enslaved. Never to know that you, each and every single individual human being, is actually responsible for the manifested experiences of all human beings on earth through the words you speak and the thoughts you think as communication which is of consciousness systems.
(NOTE: I am not saying to become a mute, or never watch television or never to read. I will be sharing with you practical examples, solutions, of how to support yourself and the rest of humanity as one together to discontinue the manifested experiences allowed and accepted today through the words you speak and the thoughts you think. For now you are able to STOP your thoughts.)
PART TWO (Phase two) will continue where I will cover the rest of the body points – exactly as I have already explained some of the points above.
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