Transcribed and typed by Jack through the interdimensional portal.
original Article:
Date : 06/05/2008
Organic: The flesh, the human physical body that is of the earth. A natural manifested expression that is one and equal with and as this physical manifested existence.
Robot: The system, the mind consciousness system as the pre-programmed manifestation within and as which you, the being, exist.
Within you, the being, amalgamated within and as the mind consciousness system, whereby the mind consciousness system is amalgamated within and as the human physical body: Herein the description, the definition of you, the human being as an Organic Robot. The ‘three in one’: You, the being within the mind consciousness system, the mind consciousness system within the human physical body, the ‘holy trinity’, the manifested triangular formation as the primary construct within which and through which the mind consciousness system exist and create. The ‘creator’, you are, within existing within and as this triangular formation, the three in one as you the being, existing within and as a mind consciousness system, the mind consciousness system existing within and as the human physical body. Creating, through existing within and as this ‘holy trinity’, this ‘holy fuck-up’, as this world, this reality we have defined as ‘creation’. The creator, creating the creation within and as which we exist as this world, this reality.
The mind consciousness system is the manifested design of the unified consciousness field, which is equal to and one with this world as ‘how it exists’. Meaning that the mind consciousness system is the manifested design of the unified consciousness field within and as which you exist within and as this world.
Herein, with the mind consciousness system being amalgamated within and as the human physical body – the human physical body becomes the physical manifestation of and as the unified consciousness field, within and as which you exist, through which you create and manifest the unified consciousness field as this world, this reality.
The human physical body was constructed to embody the mind consciousness system. Meaning that the particular design of and as the human physical body, was designed in the ‘image and likeness’ of the mind consciousness system. To ‘house’ the mind consciousness system.
Herein, each organ within and as the human physical body represents a ‘part of the world system’, within and as this reality within which you exist. So, the unified consciousness field within and as the design and manifestation of the mind consciousness system within and as which you, the being exist, manifest the unified consciousness field without as the world system, within and as which you, the being, exist.
Within this document, I will be explaining, describing and giving perspective of how the human physical body, especially the organs within, in relation to the design and manifestation of the mind consciousness system within and as which you participate: Is creating the manifested unified consciousness field as this world system, this reality, within and as which you exist.
The Organic Robot: Part One (Section Two)
Transcribed and typed by Jack through the interdimensional portal.
Original Article:
Date : 17/10/2008
To Review:
We have discussed within the Introduction Document now placed within the Forum, the structure of the human physical body designed according to the design of the mind consciousness system.
The human physical body manifested from existence itself as a ‘live organism’ to embody the mind consciousness system as a system.
The ‘live organism’ as human physical body, ‘accommodates and maintains’ the mind consciousness system and you the being, the ‘operating power’ for the mind consciousness system to function and exist as and within the physical as the ‘live organism’ that is of this existence, manifesting in this existence one and equal, wherein the designed structure of the ‘live organism’ as human physical body is created in the image and likeness of the mind consciousness system itself to ‘embody’ the mind consciousness system perfectly.
The designed structure of the Human Physical Body as ‘live organism’ one with and equal to the ‘designed structure’ of the mind consciousness system, wherein each organ of the human physical body as specific structured designs – represent a ‘part of’ the manifested structured design of the World System as and within this Reality, this World within which you exist as yourself as the mind consciousness system in and as the Physical.
Therefore, the ‘live organism’ as the human physical body with all its particularly structurally designed organs – manifests the ‘Live Systematic Organism’ as mind consciousness system within – creating and manifesting the World System, this Reality as ‘Live Systematic Organism’ without, within and as which you exist both in the physical as the human physical body and this physical manifested reality as the world.
We have discussed within Part One (Section One) (as it is placed within the Forum currently) how the Money-System as the ‘Heart of the World System’ continues to function and exist in this reality consistently as is. Constantly continuing as is through the movement and generation thereof through human beings engaging in sexual intercourse. Within which the generating of the orgasm and the movement of the blood – is one with and equal to the generation of money and the movement of money within the money-system itself as the generation and movement of the orgasm and blood in the physical within and through the heart itself.
The entire Heart-Organ in itself, represents the entire Money-System in itself.
The generating of the orgasm and the movement of the blood expressed through the circular-structure that form through the two beings during and within sexual intercourse – wherein they connect as one with the circular structure running through both the male and the female’s heart, is the generation of money and the movement of money within the money system.
Now into the ‘detail’ with regards to the Money-System’s correlation and direct connection and very existence, one with and equal to the Heart-Organ in and as the human physical body as the structured design of the mind consciousness system within – to create and manifest the ‘Live System Organism’ within and without:
The Money-System exists within ‘value,’ ‘debt,’ ‘exchange,’ ‘giving and receiving’ and ‘ownership.’
There are seven primary ‘sectors’ through which the Money-System Operate:
The Banks exist as the ‘Head(s)’ of the Money-System
The Corporations exist as the point from which the Money-System distributes itself into and as and throughout the world globally
The Industries exist as the ‘back-allies,’ the ‘unseen’ through which/ as the Money-System produces its fruition from the ‘under-class’ citizens that is not ‘part of’ the ‘visible societal system.’ It is such Industries that support the Corporations, that is in essence ‘behind the scenes’ yet the most prominent ‘part of’ the existence of the Money System
The Institutions exist as the point within which the human beings are Institutionalized by/through/within the System in its entirety
The Manufacturers exist as the point which make it possible for the Money-System to engage and entertain the population through want, need and desire.
The Businesses exist as a point within a select few stand to ensure the ‘stability’ within the continuation and consistency of the generation and movement of money through creating/establishing ‘purpose.’
The Workers hold the ‘responsibility’ to move and generate money – as money in itself cannot ‘move or generate’ itself. It requires a ‘vehicle’ which is the workers as human beings working within one of the above sectors of the Money-System to ‘maintain its existence for it.’
The Institutions, Manufacturers, Businesses and Workers primarily exist to keep society within a controlled construct – have a look:
Institutionalizing (Institutions) Man within the Factories of Man that (Manufacturers) Busy (Business) Man as Whores (Workers) to ‘mind their own business’ (Business) as they are manufactured (Factories) to prostitute themselves (as Whores/Workers) through the Tuition (Education as branch of the Institution) given to them for the Instant Fruition (that the Institution makes possible) of the Money-System – wherein all are Institutionalized within the Money-System as they are controlled through the Factories of Man (Factories) Busying (Businesses) the Whores (Workers) that are Manufactured as prostitutes to only exist and live for the Instant Fruition of the Money-System through the Tuition (Education) given to them within and by and through the Institution of Education and so Institutionalized (Controlled/Enslaved) within the Money-System.
Trapped in this ‘sub-system’ as the Institutions, Factories, Business and Workers-defined through Debt – wherein you come into this world, ‘owing the system money’ – having to ‘prostitute’ yourself to the System as Whore (Worker) to ‘repay’ what is ‘owed’ – the ‘value’ you exist as is the amount of Debt you Owe.
To exist in the System and for the System: You must be taught the exact ‘way of the worker.’ This done through an Institution that is Education – wherein you are educated and trained as the purpose given to you by the System, which is to be a person that is counted in the Money-System to be accountable for what you’ll eventually owe as Debt. This Debt which becomes the driving force of your purpose as being a worker defined through the power of that driving force as greed that you exist as; to continue your existence as worker-defined for the System as Money-System to continue Working and ensure its own existence.
The Sub-Systems which exist as the Institutions, Manufactures, the Businesses and the Workers-defined – exists to ‘formulate’ society into and as a structured ‘form’ through which to maintain control of the people.
The Sub-Systems are the ‘ground-foundation-structure’ of the entire Money-System Design, as well as the World System. It is within and through the Sub-Systems that the Main-Division Systems as Banks, Corporations, Industries and other Institutions ascertain their required assets to exist – which is Money in itself, produced and generated and moved through/within the Sub-Systems by and through the Workers making the Sub-Systems’ existence possible.
People in sound: The insignificant pole, wherein those that exist as workers exist as the ‘insignificance of the system,’ because one worker can replaced by another instantaneously within the sub-system as there are so many ‘readily available.’ Therefore, to the System in itself, an individual worker means absolutely ‘nothing.’ Zero, zilch, you’re just a spec in the greater spectrum of it all.
Person in sound: You’re through the will of the son (the Money-System is one of the ‘sons’ of the System) given the purpose to exist in the System as a worker. ‘Person,’ as a worker-defined, working for and as the system: That is your purpose as a person-defined.
Therefore: As a ‘person’ is to be a part of society; it is to be a worker for the system which is your purpose in the system within which you’re given a right to exist through the rights given to you by the System.
Each Sector within and through which the Money-System exists, has become and is an Entity by itself.
Meaning, that there is no one individual ‘behind the existence, operation and manifestation’ of each Sector, as it is and has become Entities operational in automation that exist within the entire Money-System and World System and each human being is but a person within it all.
A person that ‘works’ within each Sector, ‘gives life’ to the Entity as each Sector to exist and thus for the Son of the System as the Money-System to Operate and maintain its existence in its entirety. All human beings are controlled and enslaved by/through the Entities that manifest the Money-System that is operating automatically.
Because the Money-System has become a System that operates by itself within Entities that exists by themselves as each Sector – an individual person is meaningless, as they are superfluous to a System that is Super-Charged through Man that is driven by Greed – wherein the certainty of the Money-System’s existence in itself stands.
What drives, what is the driving force of the purpose; as being a worker for the System by the will of the Son as the Money-System, to remain a working worker for and as the System?
Debt that manifests the polar-opposite within and as a being as Greed. This is what drives you and this is what drives the Money-System’s existence in itself as you.
This is the only way to ensure the human being must work and the certainty of the human being continuing to work; through giving them a ‘value’ as the amount of Debt they owe to the Money-System to continue the ‘drive’ ofthe human being within controlled discipline to be obligated to work.
The entire Money-System, structured according to and as Man’s ‘original nature,’
Self-interest in the form and expression of and as greed.
Greed as but one of the many forms of self-interest as starting point from which many of the Systems of the World-System are structured, according to and as Man’s ‘original nature’.
Therefore, ‘give Man the value of nothing, the worth of nothingness and their nature as manifested greed within, and the beingness of self-interest will ‘flourish.’ They will do whatever it takes to ‘have to get’ to give themselves ‘worth and value’ to no more be determined or defined by the worth or value given to them through and by the System itself.
Therefore, in giving human beings a ‘value’ as the amount of ‘debt owed’, experiencing themselves as ‘valueless’ and the worth of themselves as being ‘nothing’ or ‘insignificant’ to the system, they will experience themselves as ‘worthless’ – as discussed above.
At the same time, defining ‘value’ according to the ‘amount of money you have, own’ and ‘are worth’ according to the ‘position you stand within in the System.’
What human beings will do, to ‘redeem themselves’ in giving themselves ‘value/worth’ as determined according to the System to no more be ‘valueless or worthless,’is to ‘work for money, to have money to ‘redeem their value’ by not ‘owing debt but owning money’ and giving themselves worth through ‘working towards a specific, particular position in the System’ to no longer ‘be nothing/significant,’ but to be ‘worthy.’
And so, the human being’s ‘purpose’ is being a worker in the System. For the System is maintained to and as an absolute certainty. They will do whatever it takes within the starting point of ‘greed’ to ‘get to redeem’ their ‘worth’ and ‘value’ for themselves within the system through money and position of themselves in this world – and will so continue working within the starting point of Greed and ‘payback’ of and as Debt. Trapped and enslaved and controlled always – until death – existing but only as a worker-defined.
The Banks and the Workers are the Two Primary Entities that exist within the Entirety of the Manifestation of the Money-System as the Heart of the World System. The System within which the World-System exists, that ‘holds the World System together’ and which is ‘The Life of the World-System.’
The Corporations, Industries, Institutions, Manufacturers and Businesses are Parts of the World System ‘held together’ through the Money-System that stands primarily within the Banks and the Workers as Primary Pillars, and from the Primary Pillars ‘run through within and as’ the other Parts of the World System and maintains the World System’s existence as all the ‘Parts’ it exist as, as all the other Sectors.
Within the next document, we’ll continue with the ‘Infinite-System-Design’ of the World-System, described and discussed from an illustration that will be presented, within which you’ll see for yourself the existence of the World-System, being ‘held together and maintained’ by the Primary Points of the Money-System as the Banks and the Workers.
The Organic Robot: Part One (Section Three)
Transcribed and typed by Jack through the interdimensional portal.
Original Article:
Date : 19/10/2008
Here is the ‘rough sketch’ of the DNA-designed infinite closed-system of the World System which we will be discussing in the next document to come:
From within the Sketch presented – you see the Banks at the pinnacle pole and the Workers at the base pole; the Money-System primarily functioning due to the Banks and the Workers which ‘hold together and maintain the existence’ of the World-System that are the Banks themselves, the Corporations, the Establishments, the Institutions, the Manufacturers, the Businesses and the Workers.
See within this Illustration – the Heart of the World System is the Money-System. It is the Money-System as Heart that pumps and beats and moves and generates the blood that is Money into and as the Live Systematic Organism that is the World System.
The Money is blood that is pumped and generated and moved through the Heart of the World System within the manifestation of The Banks and The Workers; as the blood as Money moves within and as and through the other Organs as the Corporations, the Establishments, the Institutions, the Manufacturers, the Businesses of the Live Systematic Organism that is The World System as this reality in and as the Physical.
So have a look:
The ‘internal organ-system operations’ of the human physical body within, has been manifested physically as this reality without, as The World System as how it Operates and Exists, within which you are currently enslaved.
Each Organ of the Human Physical Body exists as its ‘individual function,’ yet is ‘connected’ to the rest of the Organs within the Human Physical Body for the Human Physical Body with all its Organs to function as ‘One.’
The Same with the ‘(World) System Physical Body.’ Each ‘Organ’ has its individual function, yet is ‘connected through networks (the ‘networks’ consisting of ‘relationship lines’ which ‘connect’ all Organs of the (World) System Physical Body through within and as relationship-ties that is money) to all other Organs of the (World) System Physical Body.
The ‘networks’ that consist of ‘relationship lines’ that manifest ‘relationship ties’ ‘binds’ the Organs of the System Physical Body together as one; – as the ‘network’ of veins within the Human Physical Body that runs through all the Organs to ‘connect’ and ‘manifest’ all Organs together as One as the Human Physical Body within the Human Physical Body.
The System Physical Body as the World System is the Human Physical Body within and as which you exist.
So each System Organ of the System Physical Body as The World System, which is this reality manifested in its entirety – is one with and equal to each Organ of the Human Physical Body of the Mind consciousness system that is you manifest in your entirety of what you exist as.
The System Physical Body as World System is the exact manifested outer reflected presentation of the Human Physical Body as the Mind Consciousness system, as which you exist.
Therefore, ‘who you are’ reflects ‘who you are’ – which is the World System as System Physical Body as ‘who you are’ reflects the Mind Consciousness System as the Human Physical Body as ‘who you are’.
This is how the Money-System within and of the World System exists – through the act of sexual relations, related to the movement of the blood within and through the veins and the generation of the orgasm as the human physical body relates with itself, which is one with and equal to the movement and generation of money itself through and within the networks of relationship-ties within and of the World System as System Physical Body as all parts of itself relate.
Let’s ‘get into’ the ‘technicalities’ of the Money-System’s existence, generation and movement through the Human Physical Body ‘relating with itself’ during and within sexual relations:
The ‘emphasis’ here is ‘the generation of the orgasm within the manifestation of the circular-system formation that runs through both hearts of both human physical bodies’ participating in sexual relations.’ For it is the generation of the orgasm and the expression of the orgasm in itself that is imperative. For without the ‘generation’ of money, money cannot move. Money can only be moved by/through the generation of itself, the same as with the experience of the ‘orgasm.’ It cannot exist or be experienced, without two human physical bodies’ really focusing all their oomph and strength and vigor through and as actual physical movements; the orgasm obtained through and as actual physical movement as you in and as the physical human body, which generates the actuality of money for the Money System of the World System as System Physical Body.
The ‘orgasm’ consists of and exists as ‘energy.’ The ‘essence’ of and as which the ‘orgasm’ exists, is energy. The manifestation of money itself, the ‘essence’ of and as which it exists within the unified consciousness field as this reality; the World System – is energy.
Therefore, the ‘energetic essence’ of the ‘orgasm’ is one with and equal to the ‘energetic essence’ as which money exists.
Therefore, in ‘generating the energy that is orgasm within and as and of the physical human body through actual physical movement as you as the human physical body – you generate the energy without – that is one with and equal to the energy as that which the orgasm consists of ‘in essence’ – which is money itself.
This is how the very existence of money itself as the generation of money itself in the System Physical Body as the World System exists – through the existence of the orgasm as the generation of the orgasm in the Human Physical Body as the Mind Consciousness System; within and without. One and equal as you as your existence.
As you can see within the sketch above – with the Banks at the Pinnacle Pole and the Workers at the Base Pole, the Money moving from the Banks through the World System to the Workers, and the Workers ‘returning the money owed’ through the World System to the Banks and so the Money moves from the Banks and is generated by/through the Workers as the movement and generation of money – so this exists within two human physical bodies as human beings ‘relating’ sexually through sexual relations. Have a look:
Here is another sketch. What I have done here is taken the DNA-design of the World System and pulled it apart horizontally to form a Circular Formation:
For money to move, it must be ‘generated.’ The Banks provide the Money and the Workers generate the movement of Money for the World System to exist and be sustained.
Therefore, the Banks is that which ‘pumps’ the Money into the World System and through this ‘pumping motion’ as ‘movement,’ while the Workers sustain this ‘movement’ through and as the generation of the movement of Money in and as the World System for the Money-System.
This ‘circular formation’ as seen in the SKETCH provided – is how the ‘circular formation exists’ that is ‘activated’ and ‘initiated’ within and through both human being’s human physical bodies’ within and during their sexual relations; ‘connecting’ both human physical bodies as one.
The ‘pinnacle section’ of the ‘circular formation’ in the sketch as the Banks is what exists within the Heart-Organ of the circular formation that runs through the hearts of both human beings from which the ‘blood is pumped’ – as money that is pumped from the Banks.
The ‘base section’ of the ‘circular formation’ in the sketch are the Workers which exists as the ‘point where the penis and the vagina connects’ through which the circular formation runs that is formed between and within both human physical bodies as human beings.
Therefore – the male and female utilizing their ‘pelvic thrust’ ‘WORKS’ to ‘generate the orgasm’ as ‘energy’ that is the ‘working of you to generate the energy of money in this world.’ Hence, the ‘base section’ of the ‘circular formation’ as ‘workers’ as the ‘circular formation design of the World System’ exists as the ‘base section’ of the of the ‘circular formation’ that is formed within and between both human physical bodies’ within the ‘tip connection’ between the vagina and the penis.
Both human physical bodies’ ‘WORK’ as ‘workers’ to ‘generate the orgasm’ as ‘generating money.’ And the ‘generating of the orgasm’ as the ‘work done to generate it’ is only possible to be sustained through the Heart which pumps faster and faster and faster as the blood moves as fast through, within and as the human physical body. Just as the Banks that Pump Money into and as and through the World System, that makes it possible for the ‘generation of money’ to be sustained by and through the Workers that Work for and as the generation of Money itself.
The Circular formation of the DNA-design of the World-System is one with and equal to the manifested Circular formation that is formed within and through and as two human beings’ human physical bodies’ that runs through the hearts and through the ‘connection tip’ where the penis and vagina ‘connects.’
This is how ‘money exists.’ It is ‘generated’ and ‘moved’ physically within this reality through the World System, through the existence of the orgasm, the generation of the orgasm and the movement of the blood within and as the human physical body expressed physically.
This is how the existence of the Banks and you as a Worker is sustained; as the blood as money is pumped through/by the Hearts as the Banks by the ‘working for the orgasm’ as ‘the working for money’ through the thrust of the pelvis as the penis and vagina as the ‘Workers that Work’ for the continued generation and movement of Money in and as the World System as System Physical Body through the generation of the orgasm and the movement of the blood within the Human Physical Body that is you.
Here is described how human beings’ sustain the existence of the Money-System as its ‘pinnacle and base’ stance within Banks and Workers through sexual relations wherein the Hearts is ‘connected’ and the penis and vagina of the human being as the human physical body ‘work’.
I have mentioned that the Money-System exist within ‘value,’ ‘debt,’ ‘exchange,’ ‘giving and receiving’ and ‘ownership.’
Within the next document, we will discuss the existence of the money-system within ‘value,’ ‘debt,’ ‘exchange,’ ‘giving and receiving’ and ‘ownership,’ and how you’re sustaining this existence through the manifested physical existence of you within such concepts.
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